4 Best Tools to Embed RSS Widget on Website

4 Best Tools to Embed RSS Widget on Website

If you want content and information to be available at the tip of your fingers, we have something for you. 

It takes time to search through each website for news, content, and information. Moreover, it is a difficult technique. Even if a reader signs up for an email or newsletter, there is a chance that it will end up in their spam folder.

Having an RSS widget is therefore advantageous to the reader. An RSS widget is a functional block that helps you to show the images and other forms of content on the website. 

Readers may easily access all the news and information they need with RSS without having to download any software.

However, there are so many marketers that are confused about what tools to use to embed RSS widget on websites. Therefore, in this blog, we will discuss the tools that you can use to embed the RSS widget on website. 

But,What Is RSS?

In simple terms, RSS stands for really simple syndication. It was formerly known as RDF site summary or Rich Site Summary. It is a format for delivering new content from regularly updated websites to subscribers. 

Top 4 Tools To Embed RSS Widget On Website 

There are so many tools that you can use to embed RSS widget on website. Given below are four of the best tools that you can use without any hesitation. While some of them vary in feature, all of them are affordable in price.  This means that even small business owners can use this without burning holes in their pockets. 


The very first tool we have on our list is Tagembed. This is a fantastic RSS feed aggregator that allows you to save both time and money.

Tagembed is the most affordable tool you need right now if you want to embed RSS feeds widget on your website. It enables you to compile and display exceptionally engaging content. Which eventually contributes to extending visitors’ stay on your website on average.

Moreover,  it also contains a profanity filter that lets users select the content they want to display on your website. This enables the users to show the best version of their business on their website.  Not to mention, the Tagembed offers a lot of customization options. For example, you can change the theme or the template of the widget as per your brand image. Apart from that. You can also alter the font or font styles. 

WordPress RSS Aggregator 

Another incredible tool on our list is WordPress RSS Aggregator. The original, most widely used, and most effective tool for importing, combining, and displaying RSS feeds everywhere on your site is WP RSS Aggregator.  You can put your RSS feed sources and it will handle the rest.

To help your viewers trust you, it also displays relevant content from other trustworthy websites. Moreover, it enables writers, authors, and other content producers to showcase a feed of their work from several websites in a single portfolio.


Another incredible RSS feed aggregator application is Feedzy, which enables you to curate content, Autoblog, display, and import RSS feed in a matter of minutes.

An Autoblog is content that is automatically gathered by RSS Feeds. 

There are two main uses for this tool.

The first option is to show the data from the feeds on your website, and the second is to import the feeds as posts. However, only the premium edition has access to this.

This program will automatically cache your feed, which will speed up the loading of your website.


The next tool on our list is FeedWind. This is a free tool that does not require any registration. This simple RSS widget may be added to any website using an HTML code snippet and executes JavaScript code. It can be added to a page, sidebar, footer, or widget. You can use the CSS feature and filter to customize your feeds to focus on specific news stories or subjects. 

It also has numerous choices, like podcasting, responsive design, color, and font styling. These features are available on the setup page. Moreover, FeedWind offers feed aggregation. This tool supports all the other types of media including images and videos. 

Wrapping Up 

These are the top four tools for embedding RSS widgets into your website. You can easily find these tools. And the best part is that you can use these tools without worrying about your budget. 

Even though it’s less used now than it once was, many website owners and marketers still utilize RSS. Because having an RSS feed is advantageous to end users, RSS is user-friendly.

It makes it simpler for readers to quickly access the news and information they’re looking for. As a business owner, you should include it in your overall marketing strategy because it is one of the best content marketing techniques. 

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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