5 Best AI Web Design Tools to Use in 2023

AI Web Design Tools
Image by Freepik

Artificial intelligence has entered into every aspect of our lives. Be it the marketing industry, banking sector, finance, health care, or day-to-day problems, artificial intelligence can be applied effectively to make our lives easier and tasks more efficient. 

But what about web designing? Can AI help with that? It can!

You can be a web designer, developer, or simply looking to optimize your performance; AI web design tools can help you. 

In this article, we will discuss some of the AI web design tools developers can leverage in 2023. So, let us read further. 

1. Wix ADI

Wix Artificial Design Intelligence is an AI-powered feature by Wix. It is designed to help users create personalized and visually appealing websites with minimal effort. Wix ADI makes use of artificial intelligence algorithms to generate a website design based on the information and preferences provided by the user.

Wix ADI utilizes user inputs such as website internet, industry, design preferences, and content. Its AI algorithm analyzes the data and creates a preliminary website for you. Users can customize and refine the website according to their preferences. The Wix ADI’s generated design is responsive as it adapts and looks good on various screen sizes. 

Wix ADI is a perfect tool for users lacking a website-building experience yet looking for a quick fix for website design and development. It simplifies the design process by automating a number of aspects along with allowing customization. Users can switch to the standard Wix Editor for more advanced customization options.

2. Figma Plugins

Figma Plugins are extensions that add extra functionality to the Figma design platform. It enables third-party developers to create plugins that enhance the platform’s capabilities and offer designers additional tools and features to streamline their workflows.

These plugins can automate repetitive tasks. Plugins can help developers create interactive prototypes, generate dummy texts, placeholder images, and other content and provide access to extensive icon libraries. They can also add animation, introduce new keyboard shortcuts & UI enhancements, and data integration. 

Figma plugins can be installed through the Figma Community Plugins section. As third-party developers use it, the quality and capabilities of each plugin may differ.

3. Firedrop

Firedrop is an AI-enabled web design platform that aims to assist users in creating websites through a chat-based interface. It utilizes artificial intelligence to understand the user’s requirements and preferences using which a website is designed.

In Firedrop, users interact with AI through a chat-like interface, providing information about their businesses, design preferences, and the content that is required on their websites. Based on the information provided, Firedrop’s AI algorithms would create a website design concept aligned with the user’s preferences and the website’s purpose. Users can customize the generated design based on their personal preferences. It also enables users to generate responsive designs and create content, images, and other elements. 

Firedrop aims to simplify the web design process for individuals and businesses needing more extensive design or technical skills.

4. Khroma

Khroma is an AI design tool that is used by designers to find the perfect color scheme for their websites. Its personalized features allow users to choose a set of colors that train a neural network-powered algorithm, which eventually generates colors that may impress the audience. 

It allows the users to create infinite combos by learning from thousands of the most popular human-made palettes across the internet. It can be viewed as typography, gradient, palette, or custom image. 

Anything more? Yes. The tool facilitates the search and filtering of generators by hue, tint, value, color, and hex and RGB values. Users can create an unlimited library of their favorite combinations for future use. 

Additionally, the tool comes with an SVG generator that allows users to view how their selected colors can enhance images. SVG code can be easily implemented in web projects making the color palette selection process seamless and effective. 

Khroma is an easy-to-use tool and can come off as versatile for beginners looking to enhance the look of their website.

5. Divi AI

Divi AI is an AI website builder that AI powers. It makes the task of website creation easier. It uses powerful language models to rapidly generate text and images based on the user’s current Divi website. This integration proves advantageous by faster, easier content production in a natural manner. 

It ensures that the content generated is consistent with the website design and theme. Users can generate images with AI by describing the desired image and selecting from different image styles. 

It can also refine or customize existing images. For an easier process, prepare designs, and a drag-and-drop interface is available. 

Want content? It can also enable you to generate entire blogs and articles with relevant keywords and edit them in mere seconds! 

Duvi AI is suitable for beginner WordPress users who want to leverage AI’s power for page building. It will save money by creating a professional website for the user.

Additionally, if you are planning to launch an eCommerce website, make sure to be in sync with these eCommerce business trends.

Wrapping Up

AI web design tools have revolutionized web creation by automating various aspects. But it cannot be a substitute for human creativity and expertise. It aims to make the task of website building a positive one for the designers. 

In this blog, we discussed the various AI web design tools that can be used by designers, developers, or anyone in 2023 for optimum experience.  Hopefully, this was helpful.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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