How Can WordPress Maintenance Services Help Fortify Website Security?

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The incidents of cyber threats are slowly growing. Since 2006, hackers have exploited defense organizations, high-tech companies, and government agencies with economic crimes, leading to a revenue loss of millions. Research has recorded over 6 billion security breaches.

Moreover, various types of web security issues can happen, especially when it comes to WordPress websites. Examples include ransomware, phishing, DDoS attacks, cross-site scripting, etc. Did you know that over 200,000 WordPress websites have faced cyberattacks? 

If you’re scared to face such issues, you’ll need WordPress website maintenance services. These will help with security monitoring to ensure your data remains safe from hackers. 

In this blog post, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about this service, its benefits, and more.

How Do Security Attacks Affect Your WordPress Website?

Your website will face various challenges when targeted by a hacker. Some of the security issues that can affect your WordPress core updates include:

  • Data theft can leak sensitive client information, like payment details, credentials, etc. 
  • A DDoS attack can lead to downtime that will overwhelm your server, making it inaccessible to users.
  • Attackers can inject spam links or content that will damage the search engine rankings of WordPress sites.
  • Website defacement can lead to a complete change in your site’s appearance, damaging your reputation.
  • Malware infections can infect your site, leading to malfunctions and unwanted content.

All these will lead to a loss of trust among your customers. They won’t have any confidence in your business deliverables or promises. To counter these issues, you’ll need WordPress maintenance services.

What Does WordPress Website Maintenance Entail?

At its core, WordPress maintenance ensures your website gets the meticulous care it deserves. When handled by professionals with technical knowledge, you’ll receive top-tier support. 

For example, your WordPress site will benefit from security checks, performance optimization, regular updates, data backups, etc. However, it’s important to choose the right plans. 

The Plans You Should Look Out For

You should choose a WordPress website maintenance plan that suits your business requirements. This way, you’ll get to access the features that’ll help your website remain secure. Hence, the site maintenance plans you should look into include the following:

  • Economy/Basic: This website maintenance plan will only cost USD 150 per month. It’s great for static websites with low traffic.
  • Standard: This is the most commonly bought among all website maintenance plans and only costs USD 250 per month. Businesses with websites that have low to medium traffic can benefit from it.
  • Extended: This WordPress website maintenance plan will cost USD 500 per month. It’s suited for high-traffic websites, complex projects, and eCommerce shops.

There’s another maintenance plan that you can customize. According to Belov Digital Agency, such plans are perfect for digital enterprises or marketing agencies with a substantial number of websites. Custom plans are usually tailored to your needs, have extensive features, and are designed for scalability. 

Whether you choose a basic maintenance plan or an extended one, you’ll gain the benefits of high performance, security scans, and software updates.

Website Security
Photo by Nathan da Silva on Unsplash

How Can WordPress Maintenance Enhance Website Security?

The WordPress maintenance plans you choose will help keep your site secure. You’ll receive unwavering uptime, a clean and secure website, consistent updates, and zero loss of customers. 

Here’s how that works:

You Get Regular Software Updates

One of the reasons your WordPress websites can get targeted is because of outdated core software or a lack of plugin updates. Some hackers can target WordPress plugin vulnerabilities. Hence, it’s best to keep everything updated. 

Thankfully, WordPress website maintenance plans can keep your website updated with themes, plugins, and core software. New updates are being released regularly in this ever-evolving content management system

Maintenance services will handle all these updates promptly and efficiently to enhance site security. With their help, you can keep your website compatible and bug-free. 

You Get Continuous Vulnerability Assessments

Usually, business owners fail to monitor security vulnerabilities. When that happens, your WordPress website will fail to check for security events, leading to attackers gaining unauthorized access. These data breaches can happen without detection. 

The maintenance packages you chose will help deal with this. Be it a basic WordPress maintenance plan or a custom one, you’ll receive the benefit of security monitoring. That means a team of professionals will stand guard against cybercriminals trying to make your website a prime target. 

These services can help prevent attackers from wreaking havoc on your website. They will conduct continuous security checks and implement stringent measures to get rid of suspicious activity triggers. As a result, your website will be secure and safe. 

A WordPress maintenance service helps fortify your website’s security and ensures the ongoing services aren’t disrupted. The emergency support features they provide include backups, security scans, regular updates, etc. With their help, you can benefit from WordPress security across multiple sites, ensuring uptime monitoring, website backups, etc.

All these are important for a steady cash flow by mitigating data breaches, downtime, and reputational damage.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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