Inspiring Motivation and Organization in Remote Teams

Inspiring Motivation and Organization in Remote Teams
Photo by Anna Shvets / Pexels

Motivated employees stick with your organization for longer periods—in fact, they are 87% less likely to resign

If you like the odds, you must put effort into making them feel at home. You must pay extra attention to keep your remote teams happy and engaged so they become super productive at their jobs and help your company grow. 

Listing seven ways to motivate your remote employees and keep them organized. 

1. Organize your employee shifts

Scheduling projects and tasks for your employees in advance can enhance productivity and performance while playing a critical role in managing workplace absenteeism. However, if you haphazardly and unplanned schedule employees, it can burden both you and your team, leading to increased employee turnover rates.

To avoid this, learn how to make a work schedule online using scheduling tools to ensure everything is in one place and centralize all information. 

Here’s what effective scheduling should look like:

  • Ensure effective record management by storing everything in one place.
  • Centralize all information in one platform for easy access and organization.
  • Monitor employee overscheduling, as it can lead to productivity issues and no-shows.
  • Keep track of overtime hours for each employee to prevent excessive workload.
  • Avoid running short of employees to avoid potential damage to the organization.
  • Consider outsourcing or hiring contract workers to support full-time employees.
  • Create and publish work schedules in advance to ensure clarity and alignment among all team members.

Employee scheduling plays a crucial role in the effective management of a workforce. Keep it simple, and you’ll be able to build a more efficient and focused work environment. 

2. Provide upskilling opportunities

Make sure your employees have every opportunity to learn and advance in their careers. Especially when your employees are working hard in their jobs to give their best, it’s crucial to support them. In return, you’ll have more engaged employees with improved skills to elevate your business.


Here’s how to go about it:

  • Offer them reimbursement for courses or programs they undertake.
  • Establish partnerships with course facilitation platforms and provide them with free or discounted subscriptions.
  • Organize seminars and webinars within your organization, inviting industry experts to teach specific topics.
  • Encourage employees to enroll in courses and certification programs that can enhance their job performance.

Help your employees stay up-to-date with the evolving industry and technology, and they’ll always be grateful to you for helping them ascend in their careers.

3. Promote employee engagement

Creating a positive work environment can offer numerous benefits for your team’s morale. It elevates their spirits and motivates them to work diligently and maintain productivity. Engaged employees feel passionate about their jobs, experience a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their work, and willingly go the extra mile to contribute to the company’s success.

When it comes to a reliable employee engagement platform, Leapsome is the top choice. However, if you want to look for some Leapsome alternatives, you might want to consider the following factors:

  • See if the platform helps pick customized learning plans.
  • Check their promotion and compensation management plans.
  • Consider their goal and performance management system.
  • Observe how easy and convenient the platform is to use and navigate.
  • See how well it integrates with other tools.

Basically, make sure it not only fits in your budget but also fulfills every learning and engagement requirement of your employees. 

4. Reward them on achieving milestones

When you consistently reward your employees and acknowledge their contributions, it boosts their morale and helps them stay motivated. The idea is to create a positive and supportive work environment that fosters employee motivation, engagement, and job satisfaction. 


By practicing employee recognition, your employees are more likely to be committed to their work and the organization, leading to higher levels of productivity and improved overall performance.

  • Assign the employee of the month/ year/ quarter and display their photos and achievements prominently in the office or on the company’s intranet. They’ll be thrilled to see that.
  • Recognize the efforts of entire teams that collaborate effectively and achieve significant milestones together. Host team celebrations or provide team-based rewards for their accomplishments.
  • Offer opportunities for employees to attend conferences, workshops, or courses related to their interests or career growth as a form of recognition.
  • Celebrate employees’ work anniversaries with personalized gifts or special events to recognize their loyalty and commitment.
  • Consider providing performance-based bonuses or profit-sharing as a more substantial form of recognition for exceptional achievements.

It’s important to note that employee recognition should be fair, consistent, and aligned with the organization’s values and goals.

5. Offer flexibility and work-life balance

Today, remote employees relish the flexibility of working at their own convenience instead of adhering to the traditional 9-5 schedule.

When employees work from home, they juggle several other responsibilities and chores besides office work. Unexpected and unplanned errands often disrupt their day, leading to overwhelming situations.

However, if employees have the freedom to log in around noon and finish work late at night, they will be far more productive compared to working fixed hours from 9-5.

Think about it—introduce flexibility to your workplace and witness a spike in productivity.

Here’s how you can offer this kind of flexibility: 

  • Allow them to work on their own time and offer freedom as long as they’re getting the work done on time.
  • Avoid micro-managing your employees by checking on them every hour or so. 
  • Offer your employees the creative freedom to do their work their own way. Don’t question their methods or approach too much as long as they’re legit. Just focus on the outcome. 

In conclusion, don’t be a tough boss, be an understanding leader who encourages them to do better and be the best versions of themselves. 

6. Lead by example

A manager can lead by example in various ways, setting a positive tone for their team and fostering a productive work environment. 

Here are some key ways:

  • Demonstrate a strong work ethic by being punctual, reliable, and dedicated to your tasks. 
  • Show enthusiasm for your work and approach challenges with a positive attitude.
  • Encourage open and transparent communication by actively listening to your team members, providing feedback, and addressing concerns promptly.
  • Maintain a professional demeanor at all times, treating colleagues, subordinates, and superiors with respect and courtesy.
  • Take responsibility for your actions and decisions. Admit mistakes and learn from them rather than placing blame on others.
  • Display empathy towards your team members’ needs and concerns. Offer support and assistance when needed to foster a supportive work culture.
  • Maintain a positive attitude even in challenging situations, inspiring your team to stay motivated and optimistic.
  • Show dedication to achieving organizational goals and align your actions with the overall vision of the company.

All in all, be the ideal employee you want them to be and show them how it’s done. Soon, they’ll follow in your footsteps and work dedicatedly to fulfill the organization’s goals.

7. Promote their well-being

Remote work can prove highly exhausting as employees often find themselves working around the clock to meet deadlines, losing track of time in the process.

In many cases, burnout arises not solely from the extra workload but rather due to the mundane work environment and limited workplace interaction that remote work offers.

Consequently, burnout hampers employees’ ability to perform at their best and collaborate effectively with team members.

Moreover, approximately 25% of US employees feel that their employer lacks concern for their well-being, resulting in job dissatisfaction and impacting overall performance.

This is your opportunity to step in as their champion by implementing wellness programs that prioritize and support their overall well-being.

Here are some ideas:

  • Incorporate memberships for the gym, yoga classes, meditation apps, and various wellness aspects you can think of.
  • Provide access to counseling services, stress management workshops, meditation or mindfulness sessions, and resources on mental health awareness.
  • Assist your remote employees in setting up ergonomic workplaces that prevent physical strain and body aches. Offer webinars on best postures, desk exercises, and more to educate them on this topic.
  • Launch health challenges and implement a reward system for active participation. Encourage everyone in your team to engage in team activities.

A physically and mentally well employee will have the potential to take productivity and efficiency to new heights and make you a proud boss. 

Be a constant source of motivation for your employees

Inspiring motivation and organization in remote teams is essential for driving success and productivity in today’s dynamic work environment. Remote work offers flexibility and convenience, but it also brings unique challenges that can affect employee morale and efficiency. 

By implementing effective strategies, managers can create a positive and supportive remote work culture that fosters motivation and keeps the team organized.

Encourage clear communication, recognize their efforts, and promote work-life balance to create a sense of fulfillment and job satisfaction. Soon, you’ll pave the way for a brighter, more efficient, and connected future for remote teams worldwide.

⸻ Author Bio ⸻


Deepali is an engineer-turned-freelance writer for B2B SaaS, writing actionable long-form content for companies in Marketing, Cybersecurity, and HR-Tech. When she’s not writing, she’s engrossed in a cozy murder mystery novel with a cup of hot chocolate!

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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