Marketing strategy on LinkedIn: How to market on LinkedIn

Marketing strategy on LinkedIn: How to market on LinkedIn
Photo by Greg Bulla on Unsplash

Marketing as we know it may not appeal to everyone, but in case you are starting your own business or you want to boost your reach, you have to do it. Instead of being disappointed, take a look at what LinkedIn brings to the table regarding that part.

With evident performance on its platform, LinkedIn is the leading link between social networks and corporate websites. With over 700 million users, it’s the best tool for job searching and building connections between creators.

Many B2B marketers that publish their content on LinkedIn are giving props to the platform for getting them 80% of the social media leads. However, if you want to be successful on LinkedIn you have to take a different approach compared to other social networks such as Facebook or Twitter per se. 

Although finding out how to market on LinkedIn is a journey by itself, in this article we provide you with marketing strategy tips that are proven to work. By the way, feel free to check out CLICKVISION Digital if you need any services regarding your small business or any tips on boosting your marketing skills and social media reach.

Discover your target audience

Your followers are your gateway to success. You must define your target audience and fully understand their taste and needs. That way you can fulfill their expectations efficiently. 

If they spend time on LinkedIn you should analyze their demographics and base your strategy on that. By expanding your audience you can increase your content influence and reach. That way you can show up on people’s newsfeeds and attract the attention of new potential connections and leads.

You can also use the Who viewed your profile feature to see if you are on the right path. 

Improve your company page

To make a name for your business you have to create your LinkedIn page. But what’s more important is keeping that page updated. If you are planning to post only once a month or maybe less, you are better off since it wouldn’t add value to your brand but a negative impression.

You want to make your presence search-worthy. Create an intriguing page for your business and be consistent with your updates and sharing content. You can use platforms like to keep yourself on track and stay organized. Keep your content straight to the point and try to increase its visibility by incorporating more links, images, or infographics that can make your profile more dynamic. 

Match your LinkedIn profile with other social media profiles that your business has. Keep your page simple so that’s easy to be found. Also, don’t be scared to let the human side of your brand shine through. That may contribute to trustworthy relations.   

Share high-quality content

Quality content helps you achieve your goals wherever you want and LinkedIn isn’t an exception. The content you share on LinkedIn should be focused on your audience’s interests so they can notice you and start engaging with those topics. More engagement with your initial audience will lead you to their connections.

You don’t want to stop there, you have to keep posting quality content regularly so that everyone can be assured of your expertise. Otherwise, followers may stop following you. And if that happens, we all know that becoming irrelevant on social networks can only be the start of your downfall.

Keep your employees in the picture

Getting your employees involved can help you a lot when it comes to widening your audience. Since LinkedIn is all about the connections you make, your employees are the most reliable advocates. They can share articles and news featuring your brand, helping the brand to get noticed. By their engagement with your brand, they can bring awareness to their leads. 

You can even encourage some of your top employees to join LinkedIn groups so they can establish themselves and their expertise in the field. Since they can create their own profiles, they can add your business as their workplace which can make your brand expand through their following. 

Join groups

Another way to expand your circle of followers is by joining different LinkedIn groups. You can make significant connections with people from your industry, share experiences and mutual goals, grow your contact list and boost your brand’s visibility. 

This will help you to listen to your audience better. You can share your projects and views on things, in return, you will get many different perspectives that will help you grow, and build yourself and your brand’s mission.

Participating in these groups will only bring you closer to people from different fields. Maybe you will be able to cross roads with their big audiences. If you are picky about what group you want to take a part in, you can easily search for the most suitable ones, or maybe create a group with your contacts. 

Create your own group

The best way to get your desired audience in one place is by making your own LinkedIn group. Creating a group is easy but finding your members may take some time. 

Have your group ready before you go in and join as many groups as allowed. Choose the ones where your potential audience may be hanging out. These groups can help you filter people and create a strong, ideal audience.

You can go through the member lists of these groups, dig a little bit more about the participants and compare them to your standards. Find your matches and proceed to send them invitations to your new group. Once these invitees join, you have your core group in one place. You can share projects and valuable content that will satisfy them. This is a great way of expanding your reach and introducing new leads to your business.

Use advertisement tools

As anywhere else on social media, purchasing ads on LinkedIn can definitely increase the performance of your business. Thanks to the Targeting feature, you can filter through a specific job title, industries, company size, and many others, to reach your ideal audience. 

This way you can promote your business and service to a large audience to see if they are interested. 

Analyze your progress

Even if you give your best at learning how to market on LinkedIn and trying many ways to do it successfully, you can’t be aware of the results without evaluating them. Analyzing your progress is a crucial part of your marketing strategy. You can learn more about your target audience and match your content to their liking.

Through your page’s analytics, you can find out more about your status updates, content, and reach as well as details about your engagement and followers. You can see how well your content has been received and if there’s something about your approach that should be changed or improved. This feature can benefit you greatly if used properly.


Knowing how to market on LinkedIn is an exceptional skill that can expand your business web. If you are trying to get your brand out there, this is the place to start. This platform is a breeding ground for some of the most profitable businesses across numerous industries. 

Provide your followers with details about your business, join groups, post useful content, engage with connectors, and be out there. This way you take your chance to actively participate to your brand’s name and future. 


Dimitar — Click Vision

Dimitar Talevski is a digital marketer, SEO specialist, niche websites builder, and founder of CLICKVISION Digital. He entered the digital marketing world when he was only 15 years old. Since then he worked mostly with small business owners and eCommerce businesses and successfully improved their online presence and increased their sales.

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