Online Math Tutoring vs. Courses: Which is Right For You

Math Learning
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In today’s world, online learning stands out as the ideal way to help students achieve their educational goals.

Getting a math tutor for 6th grade online is more accessible because of educational platforms like Brighterly, Khan Academy, and IXL Math, as well as video-sharing platforms like YouTube, where kids and adults can easily focus on learning. 

People have different ways of learning, as they can choose to learn with a tutor for math or independently with courses.

What is preferable between online math tutoring and taking courses independently? Keep reading to know more.

Online Math Tutoring vs. Courses

Online math tutoring is one of the best ways for students to sit down in the comfort of wherever they are and receive lectures on math concepts. In this learning method, kids have an online instructor who goes through different aspects of the math lessons with the kids one after the other. 

For online courses, kids will have to work independently and work on sourcing materials from the internet that will benefit their learning processes. If a child who attends conventional traditional schools has issues with understanding a particular math concept like geometry, they could quickly go to the internet to get material that they feel will help their learning process. In this method, the child works independently without help from an online tutor, unlike online math tutoring.

Benefits of Online Math Tutoring

Here are the benefits of online math tutoring for kids: 

Learning math online is convenient

By learning math online, students can stay home, relax, and focus on their studies without the distractions of a traditional classroom setting. For instance, Brighterly, one of the best online math platforms for kids, has parents schedule classes for kids in a way that doesn’t clash with any other activity. Even if the kids are tired, they can rest and still have their classes later when it’s more convenient.

There’s an endless pool of professional teachers.

With mathematics tuition online, students can connect with tutors from around the world, choosing the one that best fits their learning style. Students who do not click with a particular tutor can easily switch to another without fuss.

Also, the best online math tutoring platforms that provide the kids access to these tutors ensure they get only the best tutors. The Edutech platforms aim to get only the best to get positive user reviews and increase website traffic. Hence, their teachers are qualified to take these classes with the kids.

The classes involve one-on-one tutoring

The instructor works by following the kids’ pace while incorporating games and relating the classes to real-life examples so that students can adequately understand the subject. The tutor, more knowledgeable than the student, takes up math concepts from simple aspects and steadily moves on to more complex ideas. Hence, math methods tutor can focus entirely on the student’s needs, directly addressing their doubts and weaknesses. 

Disadvantages of Online Math Tutoring

The disadvantages of online math tutoring involve the following:

Online math tutoring may prove more expensive than traditional classes

The cost of math tutoring classes per hour or month dramatically varies depending on the tutor and the educational service provider. However, the quality of the tutoring often justifies the higher fees, as students receive specialized and practical instruction.

Also, online math learning platforms insist on parents getting a package before they can test-run the platform services. Fortunately, the best math tutoring platforms, like Brighterly, allow users to schedule a demo class where the parents can attend classes with the kids to determine if the classes fit their child’s needs.

Technical glitches can negatively affect learning

Virtual math tutoring requires reliable devices such as smartphones, computers, or tablets, a stable internet connection, and a working camera for video calls to facilitate one-on-one interaction between tutors and students. Thus, technical issues like connectivity problems or device malfunctions can disrupt learning sessions.

However, the flexibility of online tutoring for math allows students to reschedule missed classes, ensuring they don’t fall behind. Students must communicate with their tutor directly or have their parents or guardians do that.

The dedication of the student plays a huge role

With the tutor and student in different locations, the student must be self-motivated and disciplined to succeed in online learning. The tutor’s teaching methods are vital, especially since math requires a unique approach compared to other subjects. So, the kids’ attention must always be on the lessons so they will be interested in learning.

Fortunately, some online math platforms make learning mindful and engaging by incorporating math games, worksheets, and other fun activities in the learning process.

Benefits of Online Courses

Here are the benefits of online courses for kids:

Online courses encourage effective learning

When kids explore topics by themselves, they learn to think deeply about the math concepts and also learn fun tricks that can help them learn the math concepts quickly. By learning independently, kids learn to be curious as they keep learning more and discovering more things. Kids curious about something will want to explore more independently instead of waiting for their tutors to tell them.

Kids strengthen their problem-solving skills

When the kids are in charge of their learning, they figure things out independently. By doing so, they improve at solving problems and thinking things through. With time, they feel good about themselves when they see themselves getting better at math without help. That can even become self-motivating as they will want to learn more.

Disadvantages of Online Courses

The cons of math online courses are:

Students may procrastinate their learning

Procrastination is a big problem when students are studying on their own. They may put off their learning until some other time instead of what they originally stipulated. With time, the students become too busy or lose interest in learning.

There may be uncertainty about what students may learn

Starting a new math concept can be overwhelming, and knowing where to begin is hard. Figuring out which resources to use and what’s relevant to the student’s goals can be challenging to their learning process.

Also, having too many options can be overwhelming and demotivating. When faced with a wide range of courses and resources, it’s easy to feel frustrated and unsure where to start.


Online math tutoring and courses are two popular learning methods for students. Online math tutoring allows students to receive lectures on math concepts from an online instructor, while courses enable students to work independently and source materials from the internet. 

Both online math tutoring and courses offer different ways for students to achieve their educational goals. Online math tutoring offers convenience, flexibility, and specialized instruction, while courses provide effective learning and problem-solving skills. 

However, students must be self-motivated and disciplined to succeed in both methods.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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