Top 7 Financial Metrics Every B2B SaaS Company Should Track

Revenue metrics
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The global SaaS revenue is projected to reach $317.55 billion by the end of 2024, an increase from $273.55 billion in 2023. This rapid growth indicates that you should monitor the right B2B SaaS revenue metrics to ensure your company thrives.

However, it can be challenging to identify which metrics truly matter. That’s why in this article, I list the top 7 essential revenue metrics your SaaS company should monitor closely to understand your company’s financial health. Focusing on these metrics can help you gain practical insights that drive your company toward lasting profitability.

Are you ready? Let’s go.

Top 7 Metrics to Track Your B2B SaaS Revenue

Although each metric is essential, I’ve compiled the top 7 revenue metrics for SaaS businesses to help you get started.

1. Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

MRR is an essential metric measuring a SaaS company’s estimated monthly revenue from its subscription services. It offers a clear view of your revenue stability and growth potential.

You calculate MRR by multiplying the total number of your subscribers by the average revenue per user (ARPU). According to the Attrock guide on subscription management tools, any automatic tool can help you record and to track MRR.

Tracking this metric can help you make wise decisions about scaling your business, such as expanding into new markets or investing in new hires.

Focusing on MRR can enhance your revenue stability through upselling to current customers and improving customer retention strategies.

2. Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)

ARR extends the MRR concept to a yearly perspective by representing your company’s total revenue from subscriptions over a year. Therefore, this metric offers a long-term view of your financial stability and growth potential.

You calculate ARR by multiplying MRR by 12 or summing all your annual subscription revenues. Tracking ARR helps you assess your subscription model’s effectiveness and highlight trends that might not be apparent in monthly data. 

Focusing on ARR helps in long-term financial planning and investment decisions. The Younium expert guide can help you to understand revenue recognition and how it can help boost ARR. You can increase your ARR and achieve more predictable revenue by encouraging customers to switch from monthly to annual plans.

3. Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

CLTV gauges the total revenue a company can expect from a customer during their entire relationship. It’s an essential metric for understanding your customers’ long-term value.

CLTV is the product of the average revenue per user and the average customer lifespan. Such calculation helps you establish the budget for customer acquisition and retention efforts, ensuring long-term profitability.

Tracking this metric helps you focus on customer success and support to extend customer lifecycles and improve retention. You can increase CLTV and boost your overall revenue by focusing on high-value customer segments and enhancing customer interaction.

4. Net Revenue Retention (NRR)

NRR is the percentage of recurring revenue your business retains from existing customers, accounting for downgrades, upgrades, and churn. This metric mirrors the health of your customer interactions and revenue base.

You calculate NRR by dividing the revenue at the end of a certain period, including expansions, subtracting any revenue lost from downgrades and churn, by the revenue at the start.

High NRR signifies strong customer satisfaction and effective upselling efforts. You can maximize your revenue retention and drive business growth by focusing on customer success initiatives, proactively addressing customer needs, and adjusting pricing strategies.

5. Churn Rate

It refers to the percentage of customers who terminate their subscriptions within a specified period. This metric is essential for sustaining a consistent revenue stream and ensuring sustainable growth since it directly affects your MRR and ARR.

You calculate your business’s churn rate by dividing the total number of customers lost by the total number of customers at the beginning of that period, then multiplying by 100. Tracking this metric helps detect issues with customer retention and the value of your customer success efforts.

Minimizing churn through proactive engagement, better customer support, and improved onboarding can significantly boost your revenue. A relatively lower churn rate guarantees a more stable revenue stream and promotes long-term business growth.

6. Conversation Rate

This metric tracks the percentage of your leads. This reveals the effectiveness of your sales and marketing tactics in converting prospects to paying customers.

Calculating the conversion rate involves dividing the number of new customers by the number of leads and multiplying by 100. A higher conversion rate indicates an efficient sales funnel and successful marketing efforts.

You can increase your conversion rate by addressing barriers hindering conversions, refining marketing strategies, and optimizing your sales funnel. Such an improvement will improve customer acquisition and increase overall revenue.


B2B SaaS companies must track the right revenue metrics to ensure their financial health and growth. Entrepreneurs and business owners can get valuable insights into their business’s performance and make well-informed decisions by focusing on the above key metrics.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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