15 Skills You Need to Find Jobs: How to Propel Your Career

Propel Your Career
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The job market today is more competitive than ever. With evolving technologies and industries continuously disrupting the status quo, merely having a college degree is no longer enough. To stand out and propel your career, you need to constantly upgrade your skillset and showcase your versatility. This article highlights 20 essential skills that can significantly enhance your employability and help you land your dream job.

1. Adaptability and Continuous Learning

In our dynamic world, adaptability has become a prerequisite for career advancement and success. With industries getting redefined and new job roles emerging, professionals need to constantly reskill themselves. A McKinsey report reveals that by 2030, up to 25% more workers than previously estimated may need to switch occupations due to automation and augmented intelligence. Hence, nurturing a culture of continuous learning is pivotal. 

  • Update your knowledge by taking online courses, enrolling in certificate programs, and participating in workshops. Explore microlearning platforms like Udemy or Coursera that offer bite-sized learning modules.
  • Develop crossfunctional skills that make you versatile. For instance, data analysis skills are valued across various sectors.
  • Proactively look for skills that are growing in demand and invest time in building expertise. AI, Machine Learning, Data Science are key examples.

2. Effective Communication 

Strong communication skills can make or break your career. From client interactions and presentations to emails and reports, you need to communicate effectively at every step. 

  • Master your written skills  Learn to write concisely yet clearly. Structure your content logically. Proofread thoroughly.
  • Listen attentively  Let others finish. Ask questions. Paraphrase what you heard to clarify your understanding. 
  • Modulate your tone  Align your vocal modulation and body language to the situation. Convey confidence and enthusiasm.
  • Provide feedback diplomatically  Critique constructively without blaming. Offer specific suggestions for improvement.

3. Analytical Thinking and Innovation

With data playing an ever larger role in decision making, analytical skills are highly sought after. Creative problem solving also provides a competitive edge.

  • Extract insights from data sets using tools like Excel, SQL, Tableau, etc. Identify trends and leverage data to drive solutions.
  • Break down complex problems into components. Evaluate them systematically to uncover the root issue.  
  • Propose innovative approaches and unique perspectives. Think out of the box to transform challenges into opportunities.

Here’s a bar chart showcasing the Most InDemand Skills for 2021 that will help you understand the importance of soft skills.

4. Emotional Intelligence 

Emotional intelligence or EQ enables you to manage relationships better and stand out as a leader. Empathy, self-awareness, and social skills are key facets of EQ.

  • Recognize your own emotions. Reflect on how they impact your words and actions.
  • Read people’s body language, moods, and temperaments. This builds rapport and helps avoid misunderstandings.  
  • Discuss sensitive topics tactfully. Seek to understand differing views before stating your perspective. 
  • Diffuse conflicts through open communication. Avoid hurtful words and foster trust.

5. Tech Savviness 

Technology underpins how we live and work today. Being adept with tools and systems has become indispensable. You can evaluate the technical and soft skills needed for your function by just browsing job search platforms to find jobs in Indonesia and understand the sought-after skills.

  • Master productivity software like MS Office, Google Workspace, project management platforms, CRMs, etc. 
  • Adopt smart communication tools like Slack, Trello, Asana that enable seamless collaboration.
  • Develop coding skills in languages like Python, Java, C++ to expand your capabilities. 
  • Stay updated on technological trends like automation, blockchain, IoT, and cloud computing. 

6. Project and Time Management

Balancing multiple responsibilities and completing projects on schedule is a sough tafter ability. 

  • Set clear objectives, milestones, and deadlines for tasks and projects. This creates accountability.
  • Prioritize actions based on importance and urgency using matrices like the Eisenhower Matrix
  • Eliminate distractions and stick to timelines. Use productivity techniques like time blocking.  
  • Regularly review progress and adjust resources or plans as needed.

7. Industry-Specific Domain Knowledge

While transferable skills are invaluable, specialized industry and role related knowledge provides an edge.

  •  Understand the macro trends, challenges, and opportunities in your sector. Align your expertise accordingly.
  •  Develop a deep understanding of your niche by regularly reading industry publications and taking specialized courses. 
  •  Get certified in leading technologies or frameworks favored by your industry, e.g. Supply Chain Management Professional certification.

8. Business Acumen  

A sound understanding of how businesses operate, make money, and identify opportunities is hugely beneficial regardless of your role.

  •  Grasp fundamentals like financial analysis, operations, marketing, and competitive strategies. 
  •  Assess how external factors like economic and regulatory policies impact the company.
  •  Adopt a strategic mindset. Identify ways to contribute to profitability, growth, and operational excellence. 

9. Design Thinking

Design thinking techniques like empathizing, problem framing, ideating, prototyping, and testing are gaining prominence in developing solutions.

  •  Observe users and look for insights that inspire innovation. 
  •  Reframe challenges as opportunities. Explore constraints and root causes.
  •  Brainstorm creative ideas without judging initial feasibility. 
  •  Develop quick prototypes and gather user feedback to refine solutions.

10. Leadership Skills

Leadership capabilities often determine your capacity for higher management roles and boost team effectiveness.

  •  Lead by example. Set the tone through your work ethics and integrity.
  •  Assign tasks aligned to team members’ strengths. Provide challenges that help them grow. 
  •  Inspire and motivate your team. Recognize achievements and give timely feedback.   
  •  Develop successors and enable team members to be self-sufficient leaders.

11. Ability to Learn Quickly

In the knowledge economy, the pace of learning can dictate career progression. Rapidly upskilling is imperative.  

  •  Immerse yourself in a new area and proactively absorb information. 
  •  Make connections between seeming disparate concepts to form holistic mental models.
  •  Apply new skills immediately rather than getting stuck planning. Fail fast and improve.
  •  Identify knowledge gaps and find resources to bridge them. Stay self-motivated.

12. Customer Focus 

Delighting customers consistently should be every professional’s goal. Hyperfocus on addressing their pain points.

  •  Anticipate customer needs even before they express them. Prioritize fulfilling them. 
  •  Solicit and act on feedback. Use surveys and reviews to enhance user satisfaction.
  •  Develop deep customer empathy. Observe their end-to-end journey to gain insights.  
  •  Track relevant metrics and KPIs aligned to customer requirements. Identify quick wins. 

13. Collaboration & Teamwork

Lone rangers seldom thrive. Collaboration is integral to collective success.

  •  Facilitate conversations and promote the exchange of ideas between colleagues with diverse viewpoints. 
  •  Provide timely assistance to team members if they are behind on projects or struggling with a task.
  •  Set aside ego and focus on organizational goals rather than personal glory.
  •  Celebrate group accomplishments rather than just individual achievements. 

14. Persuasion and Influence

Convincing people through structured communication and a compelling rationale is an invaluable asset. 

  •  Frame your pitch or request in terms of the value proposition and benefit to others.
  •  Use data, expert opinions, case studies, and logical reasoning to strengthen your position.
  •  Appeal to emotions when relevant. Tell vivid stories that forge connections.  
  •  Rephrase and simplify complex ideas when needed rather than forcing them.

15. Lifelong Learning Mindset

Continuously developing future-ready skills through self-driven learning is critical for employability. 

  •  Upskill through web courses, books, podcasts, mentorships, and real-world experiences.
  •  Set aside dedicated time each week for learning rather than attempting to multitask.  
  •  Build skills not just for immediate goals but anticipated future requirements. 
  •  Apply and practice newly gained knowledge quickly for better retention.

In Conclusion

The end goal is to create a diversified and futureproof skillset that unlocks opportunities. While technical skills are crucial, soft skills play an equally prominent role in driving career advancement. Learning agility and continuous self-improvement provide the foundation to stay relevant. There are no shortcuts, but making deliberate efforts to build your capabilities will bring you closer to landing your dream job and reaching the pinnacle of success!

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. How do I identify skills I need to develop for career growth?

Analyze job descriptions of roles you aspire towards for commonly demanded skills. Take online assessments to identify your strengths and development areas. Seek input from managers and mentors on skill gaps to address. Evaluate technical and soft skills needed for your function.

2. Which skills are most valued by employers currently?

According to LinkedIn’s 2022 emerging jobs report, skills like communication, customer service, sales, analytics, and leadership are highly sought after. Technical skills related to AI, machine learning, UX design, cybersecurity, and programming are also in high demand across industries. 

3. How long does it take to develop a new skill sufficiently to add value?

It depends on the complexity of the skill and your prior base. However, invest at least 36 months to develop a foundational level of expertise in a new skill. For highly specialized technical skills, plan for 612 months of dedicated learning. Develop through realworld applications, not just theory.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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