Guest posting — Write for us

The primary topics covered on the Futuramo Blog are project management, team collaboration, remote work, work culture, productivity, ecommerce, design, technology and business.

If you want to share your experience and insights with our readers, feel free to contact us at

The essential rules for contributing to the Futuramo blog

We are glad seeing your interest in guest posting on our blog. Make sure that you know our principles before you focus on doing research and content crafting.

  • The content must be original, devoid of any plagiarism, and should not be generated by artificial intelligence (AI). If you’re uncertain :), you can verify using tools such as,
  • We do not republish previously published articles, either in full or in part. We do not accept articles that have been previously published, either in their entirety or partially. You can use plagiarism detectors (like Scribbr, Quetext, DupliChecker, Grammarly,, to ensure the uniqueness of your content.

  • We leave the door open for removing your content from the Futuramo blog if it, or its part, will be published on the other websites. In this case, we care about the internet free of duplicates.

  • An article must be well-written — grammatically and stylistically. You might find it helpful to use tools for checking grammar, such as:

  • Your post needs to provide value to our readers — we respect our followers and don’t want to bother them with time-wasting content. Check out our latest posts to not duplicate topics.

  • Your post must be relevant — it should cover one or more key topics that involve: Project Management, Team Collaboration, Remote Work, Productivity, Marketing, Business, Finances, Work Culture, Design, Career, Ecommerce, Software, Technology, UI/UX.

  • Case studies, success stories, and data-supported articles are more than welcome and can gain bonus points.

  • We do not accept articles that cover the obvious truth or answer to rhetorical questions like e.g. “Why computers are better in processing information than humans” or ”Does marketing business need a website?”

  • Keep in mind that contributing to the Futuramo blog gives you a unique chance to help thousands of professionals who visit our website with their business challenges — focus on real problems and solutions, and our community will pay you back with love and appreciation.

  • Stay positive — skip offensive topics and negative comments on competitors, don’t be too pushy and too promotional.

We believe that following these rules helps us keeping our blog at valuable and reader-friendly level.

Guidelines for submitting a post

These post requirements make our blog consistent and save writer’s time:

  • An article should be over 1000 words.
  • Title shouldn’t be longer than 55 characters.
  • Content should be divided into paragraphs followed by subheadings and less than the maximum of 300 words. Try not to overlength the sentences and do not use passive voice too often.
  • Create content for users, not for SEO. Avoid keyword stuffing, just focus on providing helpful tips and information for blog readers.
  • Guest posts that include links to reputable research websites or other reliable sources are highly valued. We reserve the right to mark included links with a nofollow attribute or remove them if they can harm our blog’s authority, aren’t related to the text, or don’t provide any value for our readers. You may also link to your own or your partner’s website with a dofollow link.
  • The editorial team retains the authority to condense the text, incorporate relevant links that enhance the article’s value, make minor modifications and additions, and refine the text with respect to language and grammar.

Where to send well-prepared article?

  • Content should be sent to and attached in Google Docs.
  • Submission should include a short author bio and profile picture.
  • All graphics (~1600 x 1000 px )  should be attached to your submission in .jpg. All the graphics and images must come from a legitimate source (please provide the source!).
    You can send us the URLs to platforms like Unsplsh, Freepik, Pexels.
  • By submitting articles to Futuramo Blog, you confirm that the content complies with all applicable laws and does not infringe upon any copyrights or intellectual property rights.

If you would like to discuss possible topics before writing the post, please email us with your ideas.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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