How to Speed Up and Streamline Your Applicant Screening Process With AI

Screening Process With AI
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

AI technology has found its way into pretty much every business sector over the last couple of years. Of course, this popularity wasn’t born solely out of novelty. Artificial Intelligence can be effectively used to streamline countless business processes and push the entire global economy to an entirely new level.

Its potential is so strong that new use case scenarios are being discovered on a daily basis and the global market still needs to fully grasp all options on the table.

The applicant screening process is one of these, yet not fully exploited areas. It’s obvious that this asset can be successfully used to truncate this process. How to get the optimal results? That’s exactly what we are going to explore in the article below.

Define clear recruitment objectives

It has been proven time and again that contemporary AI platforms work best when they have clear and unequivocal parameters. That doesn’t cover only the detailed job descriptions and the traits you are looking for in future candidates. You also need to clarify what you consider to be disqualifying traits. 

Once you manage to put together this robust set of parameters all subsequent activities, ranging from targeted job ads to screening the candidates, will flow much faster. Not only that, you will have a very solid set of KPIs you can use to evaluate the quality of your recruitment process after the fact.

Assess the candidates’ soft skills
Image by creativeart on Freepik

Assess the candidates’ soft skills

Resumes speak volumes about candidates’ job qualifications but they give a pretty poor idea about how these candidates will perform in teams when out into real-life environments. Fortunately, there’s a whole range of AI-based platforms capable of assessing the interpersonal abilities of each applicant. 

One of the best examples can be found in iMocha which evaluates the candidates in cognitive and soft skills allowing the recruiters to identify different working styles, professionalism levels, and other vital details. Without this additional layer, the recruitment process seems incomplete.

Outsource non-vital tasks
Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik

Streamline the screening process

Screening has to be one of the most taxing and time-consuming elements of any candidate hunt. Simply browsing through dozens of different resumes and going through the same old questions over and over again brings the whole affair to a grinding halt. 

Using HR AI in recruitment can prove to be just the remedy you need. In some cases, allowing the AI chatbots to conduct basic interviews can streamline this process by a whole 80%. The time you save on these mundane tasks can be much better spent on giving due attention to prospective candidates and assessment of higher-level skills.

Outsource non-vital tasks

The modern AI recruitment tools are automated so they can be run even by inexperienced staff. That means that using these assets leaves the doors wide open for all sorts of flexible work models like outsourcing and part-time workers. 

Maintaining a fully functional HR department in-house is incredibly expensive. Furthermore, recent assessments say the average price of candidate acquisition sits at around $4,700 per hire. Outsourcing non-vital HR tasks to part-time workers and using specialised AI tools as a way to fill in the gaps looks like an elegant way to solve this issue.

Automate the background checks

Background checking is a vital part of the hiring process. Unfortunately, due to the volume of the candidates you need to screen, this activity usually comes at the bottom end of the recruitment workflow. Suffice it to say, that means some very critical information about the candidates is coming too late into the picture. 

Of course, all these things apply if you are conducting these checks manually. If you leave this vital activity to the AI, background checking can be run simultaneously with other vital activities. As a result, your workflow becomes much tighter and you get all the info you need from the get-go.

Improve the candidate experience
Image by DC Studio on Freepik

Improve the candidate experience

Last but not least, we’d like to point out that candidates’ final employment decisions will largely depend on their experience during the recruitment process. In this regard, the usage of AI tools has the same effect as the one you get by using similar assets in your CR efforts. 

No matter whether we are speaking about the candidates’ data protection, 24/7 availability, or streamlined application and interview process, Artificial Intelligence excels in all these areas. So, you’re not only speeding up the recruitment process – you are also positioning your organization as a preferable employer.

We hope these couple of examples give you a better idea of just how valuable AI can prove to be when the time comes to fill in the vacant job positions. We need to keep in mind, though, that this is far from a definitive list. 

Every activity that features repeatable and data-based tasks can be at least partially automated, and the market is moving fast to provide specialized assets for these specific use case scenarios. This is, by all means, good news. Each new tool that brings organizations even an inch closer to prospective employees is more than welcome.

⸻ Author Bio ⸻ ⸻

Brigitte Evans

Brigitte Evans is a lifestyle blogger with a passion for design, culture, and health. She is a regular writer and contributor to numerous lifestyle blogs and online magazines. She also loves to travel and enjoy the great outdoors.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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