Most Common Pests in Offices Around the US

Office Space
Photo by Israel Andrade on Unsplash

Offices may not be the first places that come to mind when you think of pest infestations, but they are not immune to the problem. 

A range of pests can invade office spaces, and their presence can be not just unsettling but also a health concern. 

This may lead to all kinds of problems with your team, as well. You may even need to leave your offices for some time, and work on some collaboration platform. 

Understanding what kinds of pests are commonly found in office settings is the first step toward effectively dealing with them.

Insects: The Tiny Trespassers Expanded

When it comes to office spaces, insects are frequently underestimated threats. Their diminutive size often masks the significant issues they bring, such as the spread of diseases and causing discomfort among employees. 

Because of their size and often nocturnal behavior, a small issue can become an infestation before you even realize there’s a problem.


Why They’re Common

  • Resilience: One of the primary reasons cockroaches are so widespread is their incredible resilience. These pests can survive in harsh conditions and adapt to various environments.
  • Office Appeal: Offices inadvertently offer cockroaches what they seek—hiding spots and potential food sources, such as crumbs left in break rooms or waste bins.

Health Risks

  • Bacterial Carriers: Cockroaches are known vectors for various bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella, which can lead to food poisoning.
  • Allergens: Cockroach feces, skin sheddings, and saliva are known allergens that can trigger asthma and other allergic reactions.

How to Deal With Them

  • Sanitation: A crucial part of controlling a cockroach infestation is keeping the office space clean. Regularly emptying trash bins, cleaning food areas, and vacuuming can make a big difference.
  • Extermination: Professional extermination methods are often the most effective but may require temporary evacuation of the office.
  • Non-Toxic Alternatives: Boric acid is an option that is less harmful to humans but can be effective in controlling a cockroach population.


Why They’re Common

  • Food Sources: Ants are particularly attracted to areas with accessible food and water. The office break room or any place where food is consumed becomes an instant hotspot.
  • Scent Trails: Once one ant finds a food source, it leaves a scent trail that attracts other ants.

Health Risks

  • Food Contamination: While ants are generally not direct carriers of diseases, they can contaminate food by traversing through unclean areas.

How to Deal With Them

  • Seal Food: Ensure all food items are stored in sealed containers.
  • Natural Repellents: Lemon juice and vinegar can disrupt scent trails and act as a natural deterrent.


Why They’re Common

  • Attraction to Waste: Flies are attracted to decomposing organic matter, and offices generate enough waste to make this an issue.
  • Breeding Grounds: Uncleaned trash bins and drains can become breeding grounds for flies.

Health Risks

  • Disease Transmission: Flies can carry diseases like cholera and salmonella and can contaminate food.

How to Deal With Them

  • Regular Cleaning: Keeping the office clean is a straightforward but effective measure against flies.
  • UV Light Traps: These are non-intrusive and can be quite effective in reducing fly populations.

Rodents: Larger but Not Less Problematic

Though larger in size, rodents like mice and rats present their own unique sets of problems in an office setting.


Why They’re Common

  • Small Size: Mice can enter buildings through tiny openings, and they find offices appealing due to the availability of food and shelter.
  • Nesting: Mice build nests using soft material, often found in cluttered storage rooms.

Health Risks

  • Disease Vectors: Mice can transmit diseases like the hantavirus and salmonella.

How to Deal With Them

  • Seal Entry Points: Identify and seal off areas where mice could enter.
  • Use Traps: Both traditional snap traps and humane traps can be effective.


Why They’re Common

  • Opportunistic Feeders: Rats seek out food where it’s most easily available.
  • High Adaptability: They are highly adaptable and can survive in various environments.

Health Risks

  • Disease Risks: Rats can be carriers of serious diseases like leptospirosis.

How to Deal With Them

  • Prevention: Like with mice, sealing off entry points is crucial.
  • Waste Management: Properly sealed and frequently emptied trash bins are less likely to attract rats.

By understanding the why and how behind these common office pests, you’re better equipped to take preventative measures and remedial actions to keep your workplace comfortable and safe.

The Best Non-Toxic Pesticide Alternatives Expanded

In the quest to keep office spaces pest-free, the knee-jerk response might be to reach for the strongest pesticides available. 

However, potent chemicals may not always be the best solution, especially when considering the long-term health of the office occupants. 

Non-toxic alternatives are gaining popularity for their efficacy without the negative health implications. 

Natural Repellents

Herbs and Essential Oils

  • Why They’re Effective: Certain herbs like mint and lavender have natural oils that act as repellents against a wide range of insects, from mosquitoes to ants.
  • How to Use: You can place potted herbs near windows and doors or use essential oils in a diffuser to spread the scent throughout the office.

Citrus Peels

  • Why They’re Effective: The strong scent of citrus is unattractive to many pests, particularly ants and flies.
  • How to Use: Place freshly peeled citrus skins in areas prone to infestation, such as near waste bins or in break rooms.

Mechanical Traps

Mouse Traps

  • Why They’re Effective: Mouse traps offer a direct approach to an existing rodent problem, capturing the mice physically.
  • Types of Traps: You can choose from traditional wooden snap traps that kill the mouse or opt for humane traps that capture the mouse alive for relocation.

Fly Strips

  • Why They’re Effective: Fly strips are coated with an adhesive that traps flies upon contact, making it an effective measure for an existing fly problem.
  • How to Use: Hang fly strips near windows or places where flies are most active. Note that these strips may be unsightly and are best used in less visible areas.

Biological Controls

Predatory Insects

  • Why They’re Effective: Introducing natural predators like ladybugs or spiders can help manage other insect populations.
  • How to Use: While this method is more common in outdoor or large indoor garden areas, it may be an innovative solution for office spaces with interior plantscapes.

Bacterial Insecticides

  • Why They’re Effective: These types of insecticides use bacteria that target specific pests, reducing the risk of collateral damage to non-target species.
  • How to Use: These can be applied as a spray or powder. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper application.

By opting for non-toxic methods, not only are you choosing a safer path for human and pet health, but you’re also less likely to harm beneficial insects and animals that may be sharing the space. 

With a variety of options available, it’s easier than ever to maintain a pest-free office without resorting to harsh chemicals.


Dealing with pests in an office environment requires a two-pronged approach: prevention and control. From common insects like cockroaches and ants to larger nuisances like mice and rats, each pest presents unique challenges and health risks. 

Understanding the types of pests you’re likely to encounter enables you to take effective preventative measures. 

Opting for non-toxic alternatives wherever possible can make the office environment safer for everyone. Regular monitoring and early intervention are key to keeping your workspace pest-free.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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