What Are The Benefits Of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) In The Workplace?

What Are The Benefits Of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) In The Workplace?
Photo by Amanda Dalbjörn on Unsplash

When employers are hiring new employees, they tend to look for certain characteristics.  Generally, they should be dependable, educated in the right field, have relevant experience, work well in teams and be adaptable.

Some employers will look for general intelligence, signs of ambition and logical thinking. In addition to this, they might look for emotional intelligence. What are the sticking points here? Looking at self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and social skills.

Even if a person has excellent qualifications across the board, they may not be a suitable fit for the company if they can’t get along with coworkers, supervisors, and clients, or if they cannot motivate themselves. So, what advantages does emotional intelligence have in the job, then?

Team-Work Is Better

It is beyond dispute that workers who possess higher levels of emotional intelligence are better able to function as a team. Communication tends to be better with people who have higher emotional intelligence.

They exchange ideas and are receptive to those of others. They are less inclined to assume total command of a circumstance and “manage the show” by themselves without first considering others.

These workers are more likely to value their coworkers’ opinions and ideas. They treat one another with respect and consideration while they cooperate. The circumstances are favourable for an employer.

Better Environment In The Office

One of the many advantages of emotional intelligence in the workplace is that it boosts morale. The workplace culture is guaranteed to be considerably stronger when everyone gets along and respects one another.

All of a sudden, the office also turns into a better place to be at. Employees will not only appreciate the work they are doing, but also the people they are doing it with.

You should try to make your break room a more fun space, supplied with refreshments and healthy snacks if you’re searching for a strategy to foster a sense of camaraderie and support at work. Co-workers will be able to socialise and discuss ideas over a cup of coffee. As a result, there is a strong sense of support and teamwork in the workplace.

More Self-Awareness

Employees that possess emotional intelligence also have an improved understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. These workers can accept criticism and constructively apply it to grow and develop.

When providing an employee with constructive feedback, managers frequently encounter defensiveness. This on its own may result in annoyance and a decline in productivity. Employees not recognising their limitations is another issue managers encounter.

While emotionally intelligent people are aware of their limitations regarding what they can accomplish in a given amount of time, others are more likely to overpromise and underdeliver.

High emotional intelligence workers can recognise their strengths and learn from constructive criticism. They also know what they are capable of.

More Self-Control

High emotional intelligence individuals are skilled at handling challenging circumstances. In the course of doing business, there will inevitably be uncomfortable circumstances, especially for someone in a leadership role.

An unsatisfied consumer could present a challenging situation. Managing dissatisfied clients requires remaining composed and upbeat, even when you don’t necessarily feel that way on the inside.

A challenging circumstance can be a boss that is not satisfied with your work.  This can lead to discomfort and embarrassment

The subject of discipline or termination may come up in a difficult conversation with the subordinate. One must be firm yet compassionate in circumstances like this.

This entails maintaining composure and an open mind. It can go considerably better if an employee can control their emotions and keep their composure in these kinds of circumstances.

High EQ individuals are aware that being unfavourable, provocative, or illogical will only cause a situation to worsen. These workers can readily exercise restraint and only express their feelings when necessary, and even then, they can do it in a controlled way.


Being able to retain and show compassion for other people is one of the biggest advantages of emotional intelligence, both at work and in one’s personal life. 

When employees show compassion, it can be quite helpful for a business. With a client who misses a payment due to a difficult situation, compassion can be shown.

A coworker who is experiencing a personal difficulty and needs someone to take over their responsibilities can be treated with compassion. Leadership can also be treated with compassion in light of the daily choices they must make.

Human connection is facilitated by compassion. An individual can strengthen workplace relationships, boost morale, and enhance the company’s brand by demonstrating compassion. This is an inestimable advantage. Unfortunately, it’s not a skill that can often be taught.

More Motivation

People that possess emotional intelligence are upbeat and naturally work toward objectives, whether they be professional, personal, or both. These people endure in the face of challenges because they have a growth mindset.

These workers are frequently pushed by their inner ambition rather than external factors. People with high emotional intelligence put forth a lot of effort so they may feel good about knowing they got the job done.


Companies should always be looking for quality leadership. With this kind of leadership, every person may feel respected and valued, which has a significant impact on productivity and profitability.

Therefore, it’s only natural that hiring managers and company owners would look for employees that have strong emotional intelligence. These workers are considerate of the emotions and circumstances of others.

They have a great understanding of human nature. They consequently have a favourable impact on their subordinates. They may be both reassuring and authoritative.

Employees can be motivated by these leaders. People who work for highly emotionally intelligent leaders are inspired to perform at the top of their game since doing so benefits both the business and their employer. These traits in a leader can have a significant impact on the corporate culture.

Ahead of Your Competition

Many businesses haven’t yet grasped how crucial it is to hire for emotional intelligence. This is not a trend that has fully developed. As a result, teams in other companies might not feel appreciated. Choosing new hires with high emotional intelligence might give your business an edge over rivals.

These businesses might experience issues with unmotivated teams that do not operate well together. This is a significant advantage over your less astute competition and it can be quite helpful.

Leaders may be guaranteed to get an advantage over their rivals who are still trying to figure out how to get their staff to work successfully together by concentrating on the team’s members—the people. Then what?

What can you do about it now that you are aware of the advantages of emotional intelligence and understand that it is a good and important asset for an employee? Look at your existing talent. Who possesses the qualities mentioned above?

Who always performs well in a team setting, gets along with many different types of people, and exhibits compassion and empathy? If you haven’t already, think about giving these workers leadership roles. Avoid the temptation to select the person with the most experience when selecting someone to lead a particular team or accomplish a certain project.

Choose the person who demonstrates strong emotional intelligence instead. Second, alter the way you do interviews. Naturally, you’ll still need to include inquiries about technical matters, credentials, and experience.

Questions that feature scenarios where a greater level of emotional intelligence is required for success should be included in this list. Pay attention to their responses and take these into account before making a hiring decision.

Knowing the advantages of emotional intelligence in the workplace will make it simple for you to spot individuals who possess it and those who struggle. The key thing is that you’re making progress in making your workplace better for your business.

Ciaran Hourican is the Managing Director of H-Training, a Learning and Development company, that offers career and corporate services such as interview coaching, career coach, career guidance for adults and leadership programs.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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