10 Transferable Skills and Knowledge for a Successful Legal Career Switch

Skills and Knowledge for a Successful Legal Career Switch
Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

The legal field is full of opportunities, no matter your industry. You can easily switch careers whether you have a background in marketing or business. If you have a suitable skill set and knowledge base, you’ll have a higher chance of early success.

The job outlook for the legal field is impressive. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it will outpace average job growth rates from 2022 to 2032. More specifically, that amounts to around 91,700 openings annually. If you’re considering switching careers, now is a good time.

Another reason for transitioning careers is the pay. Legal professionals earn more than most. For instance, lawyers in the United States make $97,839 per year on average — double the median salary for all occupations. On the higher end, they net over $179,000.

Most importantly, careers in this industry are flexible. Whether you got your start in marketing or tech, plenty of opportunities exist. For instance, you could become a lawyer, data analyst, court reporter, legal project manager, arbitrator, risk manager, or paralegal.

Before finalizing your decision to change careers, reflect on your motivations. Why do you want to enter the legal field? Your answer provides crucial insight into goal-setting and helps you develop realistic expectations. Additionally, you should consider your long-term aims.

Education prerequisites vary based on roles. For instance, while lawyers can have a variety of undergraduate degrees — everything from English to business — court reporters need specialized programs. Similarly, licensing requirements differ by jurisdiction.

The law school admission test (LSAT) is necessary if you plan on becoming a lawyer, paralegal, or legal assistant. It’s notoriously challenging — people routinely do nothing but study for months at a time in preparation. Since you’re still working, that approach isn’t feasible.

While you could always study during your off-hours, it can quickly feel overwhelming. If you need help, know that you could make it into the 99th percentile after a few tutoring sessions. Tutors help you balance your studies with work, improving your odds of early success.

Many legal careers require additional tests, checks, and assessments. For instance, you must pass the bar exam after law school to become a licensed attorney. The specific processes you go through vary based on the role you choose and your jurisdiction.

The Importance of Planning for Your Transition

Making the switch as soon as you get the urge to can be tempting, but waiting is a wiser move. Planning your professional path uncovers gaps in your skillset and knowledge base, helping you improve your test-taking outcomes and job outlook early on.

Consider assessing your skillset before doing anything else. What valuable expertise have you gained in your current career that makes you qualified to enter the legal field? Getting a grasp on what you can offer increases your readiness.

The Most Common Transferable Skills 

The legal field is fast-paced and rigid. Having a skillset that aligns with it will make your career switch more straightforward — and far less stressful.

1. Written and Verbal Communication

Communication is one of the most critical skills in the legal field. You need it to resolve conflicts, persuade others, and develop beneficial interpersonal relationships. It is easy to achieve with a business, technical, management, or marketing background.

2. Active Listening

If you currently have a customer or client-facing career, you likely excel at active listening. This skill is a crucial part of client meetings and legal proceedings. Being able to interpret what others mean and imply can help you win cases and secure clients.

3. Time Management

Time management is one of the most common transferable skills. Arbitrators, lawyers, and assistants need to watch the clock to know when to stop and what to charge clients. You’ll be better equipped for a legal career if you schedule effectively and practice timeliness.

4. Public Speaking

Lawyers, arbitrators, and legal project managers must appear confident and knowledgeable when speaking to others. If you have experience in public speaking from leadership roles, you’ll be a more attractive candidate.

5. Attention to Detail

Attention to detail is essential for research and organization — vital parts of any legal career. It helps you notice details, pick up on small cues, and identify inconsistencies. Experience in design, tech, marketing, business, or management gives you an advantage here.

6. Critical Thinking 

Many legal careers require out-of-the-box approaches. Critical thinking skills help you come up with creative solutions during legal proceedings. Also, they enable you to make logical observations and judgments in high-pressure scenarios.

The Most Valuable Transferable Knowledge

Whatever your current job is, it provides valuable knowledge for numerous legal careers.

1. Management

Previous project management knowledge is essential whether you become a paralegal or a law firm’s risk manager. It proves you can reliably handle cases and clients even in stressful situations. Many legal careers view leadership qualities as invaluable.

2. Competency

Most institutions want someone who has experienced pressure. People who’ve worked in the industry say it can be very demanding, going from calm to exhausting overnight. You’ll be an attractive candidate if you know how to remain effective in high-stress situations.

3. Understanding

Naturally, an understanding of legal proceedings is essential in this industry. No matter what role you want, you have to know how the legal system functions. More specific know-how is necessary for specialized positions.

4. Expertise

Your niche knowledge will propel you in the right direction. For example, you can use business expertise to become a corporate or financial lawyer. If you have a technical background, you can become a legal software developer or a law firm’s technology consultant.

What to Do if You Need Knowledge or Skill Building

You can still succeed in the legal field even if you don’t have many transferable skills. Certifications, programs, and education will make you a more attractive candidate because they prove your dedication. Plus, you’ll pick up valuable abilities along the way.

Consider building your network while you seek career opportunities. Connecting with like-minded industry professionals can get you a foot in the door even when you don’t meet 100% of the hiring criteria.

If all else fails, tutors and mentors can guide you in the right direction. They help thousands of people just like you who are searching for a way to enter the legal field. If you’re unsure where to start or what to do, consider going to them for assistance. 

Skills and Knowledge Make the Transition Easier 

A relevant skillset and knowledge base will accelerate your transition. They’ll make you look more attractive as a candidate, giving you the best chances of success early on. A career switch will take time and effort no matter what, but going in with expertise will streamline the process.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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