13 Writing Templates to Come up With Content Blazing Fast

13 Writing Templates to Come up With Content Blazing Fast
Photo by Min An / Pexels

Never run out of content ideas ever again.

This guide contains 16 content writing templates you can use to come up with your next content topics easily.

The templates here are perfect for social media posts, blog posts, and even video scripts.

Continue reading if you’re looking to produce high-quality content that generates engagements, leads, and sales.

Table of Contents

  • Share about your recent industry learnings
  • Share some advice you’d give to yourself 10 years ago
  • Share about your current challenges
  • Share about a book you read that had a life-changing impact
  • Share about a person you look up to
  • Share about a blog you follow and the lessons you learned from it
  • Share a mistake made by someone or a brand in your industry
  • Share about your most trusted service providers
  • Share about a podcast that you listen to religiously
  • Share your observation about a company
  • Share a powerful quote that has impacted your life
  • Share a painful experience and your learnings
  • Share tips about what you did in your previous campaigns that yielded meaningful results

1. Share about your recent industry learnings

Sharing your recent learnings helps your readers keep up with current industry happenings and showcases your eagerness and commitment to learning.

That’s a growth mindset, right there.

For instance, if you have in-depth expertise in a specific tool or app such as GitHub, you could share an ultimate guide on running GitHub backups

There are a couple of other things you can share here, such as:

  • Tips
  • New terminologies
  • Newly uncovered data
  • New tools
  • New strategies
  • Memes or funny GIFs
  • Etc.

2. Share some advice you’d give to yourself 10 years ago

Be mindful of your reader’s dynamics. While you have TONS of learnings from the last ten years, not everything you learned fits the kind of business or personal life your readers have.

Focus on sharing advice that is highly relevant to your audience.

For example, if you own an order tracking software, one piece of advice you can share is to study what your competitors are doing by analyzing the best order tracking tools in the market.

The top tools in your industry won’t grow massive if they aren’t doing some crucial things right.

By studying what they did, you get a glimpse of the strategies that work (and don’t).

Share those insights with your audience. Create content pieces about your learnings, and you’ll provide lots of value.

3. Share about your current challenges

What challenges are your audience currently facing? Which among the many challenges they’re facing are you ALSO dealing with at the moment?

Share that.

Also, share some potential action plans or solutions you’ll take so your audience can learn and consider your thought process for solving similar problems.

Lastly, remember to ask your audience if they currently have the same roadblocks and what solutions they intend to take.

4. Share about a book you read that had a life-changing impact

You gain a special and instant connection with someone when you know they’ve read and enjoyed a similar book.

Is this familiar to you?

You: I read book X.

Other person: I read that book, too! (With their eyes lighting up.)

Share that connection with your network. It is a good strategy to use whether you’re looking to win new clients or friends.

5. Share about a person you look up to

You can create a wealth of content just by sharing about a person you admire or see as a good role model.

The person could be your high school teacher, relative, or entrepreneur you’re following.

Talk about how the person positively impacted your life.

For example, many people follow and look up to Shane Barker as a marketing influencer. 

He’s an advocate of content marketing. He even published a content piece on how to write high-performing content, which you can follow.

You can share with your readers why you follow Shane and the content creation lessons you learned from him.

You can add so much to your content to give it more meat.

Share the accomplishments of the person, his/her methods, the recent post he/she published, etc.

6. Share about a blog you follow and the lessons you learned from it

Just a few minutes of introspecting, and you’ll come up with a handful of lessons you learned from the blog you’re following.

The lesson could be finance-related, how to win new clients, or general lessons about life.

Remember to choose a lesson that is relatable to your audience..

Also, link to the resources in the blog site where you got the value bombs.

This could be a case study, blog post, or newsletter.

7. Share a mistake made by someone or a brand in your industry

Have you ever read brand meltdown stories?

How company X did something wrong that made their customer base bash and veer away from them?

Discern those stories, and you’ll come up with interesting yet highly relevant content.

Nokia, for example, had an issue where they failed to innovate (or didn’t innovate enough), so Apple and Samsung overtook them.

8. Share about your most trusted service providers

If you have a shortlist of service providers who have done wonders for you and your business, share them with your readers. 

Include the service providers that fit your topic, brand, campaign, or niche, such as your go-to content writing company that you buy SEO articles with backlinks from. 

This post could easily have come from a content writing service provider. 

9. Share about a podcast that you listen to religiously

Podcasts are a great source of content.

You can cover tons of content just by sharing the podcast channels you’re listening to and the recent lessons you learned.

Make your content more engaging by asking your readers about their favorite podcast channels and the crucial lessons they learned.

For example, if you’re into marketing, Neil Patel’s Marketing School Podcast is a great channel to share with your readers.

Creating content about the podcast channel shouldn’t be rocket science.

Share about the things you learned, the podcast channel’s most recent posts, the background of the speakers, and others. 

10. Share your observation about a company

You don’t always need to share client testimonials to demonstrate that your services or methods work. 

Look for established companies that use methods or strategies similar to yours.

Share with your network what the company is doing and why you think they’re on the right track.

Let’s say you run a content marketing company and advocate publishing versus-type content pieces.

You can share with your readers this Hive vs. ClickUp content published by Thedigitalprojectmanager.com.

Highlight how even an established company such as Thedigitalprojectmanager.com is publishing the same versus-type content that you’re advocating.

Considering the site has over 300,000 monthly organic visitors, it demonstrates that your method also works and has the stamp of approval from established companies.

11. Share a powerful quote that has impacted your life

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right,” — Hendy Ford.

That’s an example quote you can share.

As you can imagine, you can easily extrapolate on that piece of quote to make your content more meaty, inspiring, and helpful.

Think about how to relate the quote to your readers’ present challenges and aspirations, then present the quote in light of their circumstances.

12. Share a painful experience and your learnings

Chances are good that you’re not the only person who experiences the frustrations and hurts you underwent.

Sharing your painful experience makes your life even more relatable to your network.

Others will comment, saying they had the same experience years back and how overwhelming it was for them. Others will bid you well and even offer a helping hand.

You have a good chance of generating engagement when you publish content pieces like this.

13. Share tips about what you did in your previous campaigns that yielded meaningful results

If your services are tried and tested to work, you should have a trove of content pieces to share.

If you managed to amass 1,000 followers on TikTok when you only created your TikTok profile a few days or weeks back, share the things you did to achieve 1,000 followers.

Talk about the following:

  • Methods and strategies you applied
  • Dos and don’ts
  • Exact steps you followed
  • What you’d have done better

This type of content can do wonders for you since your results speak volumes about your methods and strategies performance.

If you have readers who are hesitant about your services, then this case study-type content piece can help convert them into paying customers.

What’s next?

You don’t need to spend countless hours ideating your next content topics.
Follow the templates in this guide to come up with content topics in seconds.

Also, if there are other frameworks or angles you’d like to share for creating content topics quickly, feel free to share them in the comments section below.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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