Four Fantastic Marketing Ideas Your Charity Organisation Needs to Try

Four Fantastic Marketing Ideas Your Charity Organisation Needs to Try
Photo by Pepi Stojanovski on Unsplash

Raising money for charity and giving back to the less fortunate is one of the most beautiful things our society can do. However, the sad reality is that many of us are so caught up with our individualistic and busy lives that we rarely stop to think about becoming more charitable. 

This means that charities must go above and beyond to secure the support they need. Furthermore, with so many competing voices, it’s often difficult to ensure your social cause is favoured over others. 

If you’d like to shine a light upon your charity and secure a larger degree of financing or support, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, we’ll be sharing four of the best marketing ideas that your charity organisation needs to try. 

Apply For the Google Grant 

When you’re trying to bring awareness to a charity, it’s important to keep costs as low as possible. After all, any expenses that go towards marketing are expenses that aren’t going towards the cause. The Google Ad Grant can help you increase your online visibility completely free of charge. This grant offers charities $10,000 worth of monthly online advertising space. 

Online Advertising 

Although traditional forms of marketing are still important, you should never underestimate the power of online advertising. For example, you can create your own banner design online and use this to promote your charity under relevant videos on YouTube. This is a great way to reach people that are already interested in your specific field. For example, if you have a charity that addresses the issue of deforestation, why not promote it under a video about the threat of climate change?  

Create Fun Merchandise

Although merchandising has some initial costs that you must invest in, it’s a great way to turn a profit and bring greater awareness to your cause. Not only will you make some money selling these items, but you’ll also spread the word about your charity when supporters wear your items. Make sure to place your logo or slogan in a visible place when creating your merch

Make Your Own Auction  

More often than not, people are inclined to give away to charity when they can receive something in return. You can organise your own auction or raffle and donate all the proceeds to the charity. Rather than purchasing these items or experiences, you can reach out to people and ask them to donate them. The better the prizes, the more interest you will generate in the event and the more sales you will make. 

At the end of the day, support doesn’t always have to be monetary. You can also encourage others to invest their time if they don’t have the money to help finance your cause. When it comes to addressing social causes and issues, every little helps. As a charity, make sure to be transparent and open with your supporters about how their money is being used to help the less fortunate. 

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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