How to Repurpose Content and Make the Most of Your Marketing

How to Repurpose Content and Make the Most of Your Marketing
Photo Source: Thought Catalog / Unsplash

It takes a lot of time to put together information. Teams need to be actively engaged in developing, researching, and producing original content. Should you repeat this procedure for every piece of content across all channels? In a word, no. When content is repurposed, it allows you to do more with the same amount of resources.

There will be instances when only a subset of your intended audience is interested in a certain piece of content. Repurposing information and promoting it via other platforms allows you to contact people who already spend their time online. 

You may be wondering how to best repurpose content for increased marketing effectiveness. Continue reading to learn efficient methods for expanding your content marketing.

What exactly is meant by the term ”content repurposing”?

Repurposing content is the process of extracting relevant information from an existing piece of content, reformatting it, and then advertising the new version through many channels.

Blog posts can be turned into infographics, reports can be turned into ebooks, video tutorials can be turned into flowcharts, and so on. As we will see, sharing your best-performing content across numerous platforms strengthens each platform, making repurposing content an efficient and effective marketing strategy.

Reusing Content: 5 Ideas

Once you know what works, you may use it in other ways to increase your results. The possibilities for content reuse are practically limitless. If you are looking for a starting point, here are five suggestions.

1. Make e-books out of your blog posts

If your blog already has articles that are interesting to your readers, you may easily expand one of them into a longer ebook. In-depth, long-form content is the best way to establish your credibility as an expert and raise awareness of your brand. Moreover, as we shall see, it is possible to break up a lengthy ebook into more manageable chunks of visual content.

If you’ve already written extensively on the subject matter, compiling it into an ebook shouldn’t be too difficult. After settling on a subject and outlining the essential points in your blog posts, you can use preexisting themes and pictures to quickly and easily put together an ebook that will interest your audience.

Data visualization tools like charts help readers focus on the most relevant information and retain numerical data for later use. Use visualizations like a pie chart to assist your readers quickly grasping complex facts if your ebook is filled with numbers, statistics, or other numerical information.

2. create infographics out of your long-form content

Statistics from the field of visual content marketing indicate that original visuals perform best. Infographics are a powerful tool for unifying facts, unique visuals, and company branding. These can be made from scratch, or you can look for ways to repurpose existing long-form content such as articles or ebooks.

Adapt the content into visual forms such as infographics

When adapting text from a blog post or report into an infographic, you may choose to either provide a comprehensive overview or a concise synopsis. If you need fresh material for your newsletter or a new blog article, the first option makes more sense, while short-form infographics are ideal for sharing on social media. 

Finding the most important parts of the post and classifying them into relevant categories like lists, tips, and statistics is simple if the blog post is divided into sections with descriptive headers.

Make infographics out of ebooks

Infographics can also serve as intriguing previews of longer works like ebooks. People have short attention spans, so they won’t think your ebook is valuable enough to value filling out a form and giving you their personal information to download it. One of the simplest methods of content reuse is to incorporate graphics from your ebook into the infographic itself.

Divide your graphic representation of the ebook into as many sections as the book has chapters. As an alternative, you can utilize a long-form infographic that summarizes the entire booklet as a selling point. The work and effort you put into creating an ebook will not go to waste if you choose any of these amazing teaser choices.

3. Use infographics as content for social media

To maximize the worth of your work, it is essential to recycle old materials. Visual content, such as an infographic, is especially well-suited for sharing on social media. These are visual summaries of longer-form content, such as blogs, ebooks, and even product information, and can be shared alone or in groups.

Separate the text and the images if you’re still concerned about including too much of either. Take the text from the infographic and use it as the post’s description; only show the image and perhaps a title. Finally, if you want people to read your unique content, you should include a link to it in your postings. It is also possible to attract readers into reading the whole piece by sharing simply a snippet of the content on social media.

4. Create a webinar

One more effective method of recycling content is through webinars. They let you discuss with your audience while sharing information. Consider attractive topics that have been addressed extensively on your blog and use those posts as fuel for your presentation slides. Instead of starting from scratch, you can use the photos you already have for your ebooks and infographics and display them throughout the document.

To complete the loop, you may use your ebooks in the follow-up messages you send to people who participate in the webinar. You might provide people who join up for the webinar early access to it, or you could offer a download as a surprise at the conclusion. To that end, it’s important to find ways to promote and incorporate your content into existing channels.

5. Flip your webinar into a series of videos

If you are going to be hosting webinars, make sure to record them. Only a small percentage of people who registered will turn up in person. However, if a tape is made accessible, you may easily reach out to individuals who weren’t able to make it. The information is still presented to them in a format that is convenient for them this way.

Not only that, but you can also record the webinar and make it available to anyone who missed out on signing up. You may insert the recording into a blog post, upload it to YouTube, and use excerpts from the best parts as social media content.


Repurposing content is a game-changing addition to any marketing campaign. You may save time and put more effort into the most interesting themes if you repurpose material that people already enjoy. Also, your plan will be more holistic as a result of the mutual reinforcement of the many channels you employ.

Your best-performing content can reach more people if you distribute it across numerous channels. You may escalate efficiency by creating graphics out of any textual content, such as an essay, video tutorial, or webinar. 

Use what you have as a foundation, then think about how a new creation might be developed into several assets. Having that approach ahead of the goal will streamline the process and boost the return on investment for all of your publications. Give a new life to your writing with the content writing company in Bangalore.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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