Useful tips: follow Project Progress

project progress

Project Progress makes project management easier and more data-informed. Stages and boards enable Futuramo users to follow project milestones and know how things stand in seconds.

If you’re a project manager, your job is to delegate tasks, report bugs, estimate and track overall time. To do that effectively, use all of the Futuramo apps for project management: Futuramo Tasks, Futuramo Visual Tickets and Futuramo Time Tracker. To make your job easier, we have introduced a feature that aggregates all the important information about particular projects in one place, where everything is visible at a glance in Project Progress.

Project Progress is conveniently located in your Futuramo Projects app, a place where you keep and manage all your company-wide projects.

Watch the short 50-second video that explains the Project Progress’ major features.

Stages and boards

In Project Progress, all your projects are divided into stages  the feature that lets you establish project phases from start to finish. To get started, first set up your project stages:

  1. Open the Futuramo Projects app.
  2. Go to the Settings section (left Menu).
  3. Click + NEW STAGE.
  4. Name the stages of your projects and select colors to make them visually stand out.

project progress stages

Progress for every stage is illustrated on the boards proportionally to the amount of the task completed (from the Futuramo Tasks app) assigned within a particular project. Let’s say, when your team has completed 7 tasks out of 10 assigned to a certain stage, 70% of the board will be filled. The progress will be visible at a glance. That allows you to skip check-in meetings and calls. You know exactly how your team is doing without asking.

Project Progress

In the Project Progress section you will find every project managed in your Organization. At first, you can see the Priority, Project Name, and Project Manager. Here, the Project Manager is a team member who is responsible for delivering the project and managing all the stages. The manager is usually selected during the project setting up.

project progress view

The Estimation section displays the estimated time for projects. You can compare the estimate to the time records from Futuramo Time Tracker for particular projects. You can easily monitor your team’s performance and react when you see delays.

The Tickets column informs you how many tickets were assigned to the projects. It’s an additional information about project complexity (as we can assume the more complicated project, the more bugs and change requests may occur) and quality of your team’s performance.

The Client and Description columns give you a full information about projects without additional checking.

Project Progress is the most helpful feature to follow and to manage your projects within the Futuramo Platform. Treat it as a live activity stream and monitor all processes in a background when working on different tasks. Don’t miss anything and gain additional time for extra projects!

Sign in to Futuramo, set up projects and clients, and start tracking your progress!

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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