Apply these secret strategies to increase productivity at workplace

productivity at workplace

There are no two views on the fact that workplace productivity is vital for both employers as well as employees. From the perspective of an employer, the company stays alive, keeps thriving and more success is achieved in business. Whereas from an employee’s perspective; productivity means greater opportunities for promotion, bigger bonuses and better chances of career growth.

You might sometimes have started your day with a plan to get some crucial tasks done, but soon found yourself distracted, indulged in less important tasks, or simply procrastinated.

If you are seeking to have that productive edge, get ready to incorporate a few changes in your lifestyle to achieve better results.

Here is what you can do to become more productive at your workplace:

1. Eliminate or minimize distractions

To finish bigger and more complicated tasks, you need to have more focus and get into a mental state called “flow”. This is the state when you are most efficient and can bring best to you. A distraction at this moment, however, can break your focus and destroy your concentration. Following are some ways to avoid distractions:

improve productivity at workplace

  • Smartphones are the biggest distractions if not used responsively. You will agree these days we are unconsciously finding excuses to take out our phones just to check messages or notifications.
  • You should minimize the use of internal chat applications at work.
  • Stay away from social media platforms while at work, for they can significantly kill your precious time.
  • If you really need a greater degree of concentration because of a highly important task, you better sit in a place where you cannot see people and other movements.
  • If it is not possible for you to switch your location, you can try listening to music that helps you stay focused.
  • Sometimes relationship issues might create distractions in your life, so keep them sorted out.

2. Get better organized

Being disorganized and thronged by unnecessary clutter is absolutely not good for productivity. The most crucial aspect of being organized is its benefits are extended from an individual to the team. It is, therefore, a tried and tested method of ensuring sustained efficiency and increased efficiency throughout the team. Just make a to-do list and take full control of what you are going to do each day. Here are a few things you can do to get organized:

increase productivity at workplace

  • Set a priority level for each of your tasks, with most the important task at the top, next important task below it and so forth. In this way, you can allocate your time and resources in a better manner.
  • Write important things and notes down and don’t rely on your memory alone. Keeping your to-dos allows you to look back at them anytime.
  • Declutter your workplace as soon as possible and clean up things regularly.
  • Keep back-ups of everything within your reach; for example, keep passwords and login credentials in your mailbox.
  • Practice putting things in their proper place.
  • Schedule your tasks realistically; that way you are making self-imposed deadlines, which push you to finish them on time.

3. Avoid multitasking

Avoid multitasking as much as you can, for it is not going to get you anywhere. If you will try to do many things at one time, you will more likely to end up with accomplishing nothing at all. While doing so you may feel as though you are being productive; however, you are probably not getting anything done efficiently. A recent research in multitasking shows that 98% of the population can’t handle multitasking well, which means only 2% people can multitask.

avoid multitasking

The truth of the matter is your ability to get things done depends a lot on how well you can concentrate on one task at a time. The biggest problem with multitasking, therefore, is it forces you to split your concentration across several tasks. To focus on one task is often already challenging enough; so to focus on many is just next to impossible for most of us.

For example, if you are working on a presentation during a team meeting, you shouldn’t be in a discussion with a colleague while composing and validating different data. Same goes for listeners to a presentation; they should focus more on taking notes and giving valuable comments.

4. Take occasional breaks from work

Stress is the biggest drainer of time and energy, so taking regular breaks from work will keep you in the zone of productivity. Constantly immersed in work can tire your body as well as the mind. This is the time when your head starts spinning and you trouble to concentrate any further. Even Google employees, having loads of work lined up at their desks, are free to walk away from stress. They go out and do things they enjoy doing the most like surfing and hiking. You can also enjoy your time and eat healthy snacks like fruits and vegetables.

stay healthy to be more productive

In the frantic pace of today’s life, it is important to connect with friends, attend conferences and talk to people in your networking relationships. Furthermore, establishing a strong camaraderie with co-workers is a great source of stress-buster; so it would be refreshing to organize party having drinks and beverages for your colleagues.

5. Manage your time effectively

Although time management sounds a little bit cliché as several studies and articles have already discussed this thread at length. However, 9 out of 10 times on any discussion regarding the performance at work underline the value of time management. It is therefore critical as much as elusive to master the art of managing time in a most effective manner. There are overwhelming tips and recommendations for time management available online as well as offline, but if you are getting started with it for the first time; it can be a bit tricky. So utilize these tips in following ways:

  • Make and use checklists as often as you can.
  • Do the most important tasks first.
  • Delegate some of your most complicated tasks; as you are not a superhuman to complete each and every one of them.
  • Stick to the schedule, no matter what.
  • Understand which things to say “no” to.
  • Keep meetings to a minimum.

Not enough? See even more tips on how to increase productivity.


These according to our research are some of the most effective strategies that can help you better manage your workload and make you more productive. If you know how to work hard, you should also know to work smart.

About the author:

Smith Willas is a freelance writer, blogger, and digital media journalist. He is also working with iCustomlabel. He has a management degree in Supply Chain & Operations Management and Marketing and boasts a wide-ranging background in digital media.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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