The Benefits of a DAM System for Your Web Development Business

The Benefits of a DAM System for Your Web Development Business
Photo by Designecologist / Pexels

A digital asset management system (DAM) is a type of software that can store, share, and organize all your digital assets in one location. These assets can be images, audio files, videos, documents, or other media and a DAM allows them to be shared across teams securely and efficiently. 

Virtually every business can benefit from having a DAM system, including web development businesses. Here are six of the top benefits. 

1. Control over digital assets

Web developers need quick and easy access to brand and other approved digital assets throughout the asset life cycle. Having a digital asset management system can do this. DAMs also: 

  • Give you the ability to control who else can access which files.
  • Let you change files or allow certain employees to view final and approved versions. 
  • Track who views and edits to files.
  • Store and share file origin, technical specifications, copyrights and restrictions, and other information in the event you must reuse the files in the future. 
  • Allow you to easily modify or customize files based on your or your client’s needs. 
  • Let you track how an asset is used.

2. Assets are secure

Without a DAM, you’d likely have to store assets in cloud storage or physical drives. These aren’t secure or reliable, and they are difficult to search and organize. With a DAM, you don’t have to worry about encrypting or protecting files – DAMs protect your assets in a secure storage center, and it also protects the channels assets are sent through. 

Most DAMs allow you to add additional encryption and security protocols through software without needing an additional third-party program in the event your assets must be extra secured. 

You can also rest assured your assets will be protected against virtual hackers and viruses.

3. Manage brand consistency and copyrights

Most websites use a variety of stock photography or in-house photos and other assets. A DAM allows you to display usage restrictions for users and store copyright information so you can ensure images, videos, and other files aren’t used where or when they shouldn’t be. 

This can also help with reputation maintenance, allowing employees to only view and post approved content that is standard, high-quality, and on brand.

4. Keeps assets organized

DAM systems have a number of features that support organization, like easily labeling and organizing assets in folders, and adding keywords, categories, and subcategories to those files or groups of files. This allows for easy searching, identifying, and sharing of assets. It also saves space, helping your server to function at top-speed without having to delete or archive files.

5. Improves communication and collaboration

Through the DAM, you can easily communicate with colleagues or clients about changes or updates to assets. Everyone can see these changes or updates directly in the DAM and can add comments and share thoughts with team within the system, eliminating the need for back-and-forth email communication.

Storing assets in and working out of a DAM can help improve collaboration and communication between teams and employees, while centralizing workflows and reducing the time it takes to complete a project. This can allow web developers to be more successful in their day-to-day roles.

6. Allows for tracking and reporting

In the DAM, you can view system usage, including who is handling assets and how they are using those resources. 

You can also analyze which assets in the system provide higher ROI and lower ROI, allowing you to easily improve low ROI assets through changes or modifications. This can help reduce overall company expenses and increase production, generating more revenue.

Written by Robert Burgee, Director of Marketing for MerlinOne, an AI Driven digital asset management solutions company. He has been in digital marketing since 2011 and enjoys aerial photography and saltwater reef aquariums as hobbies.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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