Time tracking at work and why you’re doing it wrong

time tracking app

A talented team of professionals is a good predictor of the success. However, without the right tracking and productivity tools, such team might struggle to achieve growth. Development without measurement is rather a matter of luck. Productivity, on the other hand, has nothing to do with luck.

The right time tracking apps are made for employees to measure own work and improve themselves. Instead of pursuing them to work hard, managers should allow them to work effectively

The right time tracking apps are made with employees in mind.

Powerful features and valuable takeaways

Futuramo Time Tracker is intuitive and simple — users name a task, select Client and Project (both categories are predetermined) and press the play button. Time is recorded in the background and can be corrected in a few seconds. Timesheet helps to build a big picture and better understand own duties.

Advanced statistics provide interesting and valuable insights. Depending on user preferences, data presented in the donut chart can be aggregated by Client, Project, User, Task and Project status. Users hover over the chart and see details. Every tracked activity get its own piece of the chart.

Key thoughts after months with time tracking

Futuramo Time Tracker is not the next app to help executives be the worst managers in the world. The app serves every employee who wants to analyze own work, improve planning, focus, and better evaluate task performance.

futuramo time tracking app

Here are 7 observations Time Tracker users have after a few months of tracking:

  • Even experienced professionals aren’t sure how long it takes to complete regular tasks until they record it.
  • Planning future work often relies on guessing, not on measurement.
  • Freelancers struggle to estimate their workflow without previous results.
  • Time tracking is motivating. It’s difficult to admit that you are not productive enough but results help you stop fooling yourself.
  • Tracking is a key to challenge yourself and a simple method to find room for improvement.
  • Tracking time of particular activities allows scheduling more precisely when you feel overwhelmed.
  • Insights from time tracking statistics help to work on daily habits.

The world’s best employers agree on one thing: tools that help achieve better results are designed with employees in mind. Employees need a friendly environment to deliver their level best.

Productivity doesn’t come down to being monitored and punished. Professionals grow when they are supported.

Productivity doesn’t come down to being monitored and punished.

So, stop doing it wrong and allow your colleagues to become masters.

Meet Futuramo Time Tracker

Get to know Futuramo Time Tracker. Simple in use and labour-saving companion. Create a free account and make yourself familiar with the intuitive UX and a set of powerful features. Invite more friends to collaborate —  Time Tracker is free for up to 3 users!

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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