You asked, here it is! The most requested features are now live on Futuramo Icons! Webfonts + SVG sprites + SVG sheets for Adobe Illustrator.
With all these options you now have the perfect workflow of your choice all in one intuitive and powerful app with all the unique Futuramo parametric icons.

Futuramo Icons is now the complete solution for Icons from UI Design to Web Development! Choose your workflow:
- Icon Webfonts
- SVG Sprites
- AI (Adobe Illustrator) compatible SVG icon sheets
- …and of course, as before: regular SVG, PNG and TEXT

See the new powerful Icons Download Panel
Choosing Webfont or SVG Sprite for the Download generates a ZIP package with the selected icons all complete with a demo file, so it’s easy to see how to use the different techniques in your apps or websites.
Tell us what you think! Are you missing something? Or are we doing great? How’s your experience with the workflow?
We want Futuramo Icons to be your number one professional one-stop solution for Icons related aspects, so thanks again for the great feedback so far! Please keep sending feature requests and if you like what we are up to, than yes, please, please, please tell your friends about it!
Enjoy the new features!