Reaching Optimal Workforce Productivity with Optimal Workspace

Depending on the type of business you are running, different workspaces are required just like any other tool of the trade. No office space is a one size fits all type of deal. Layouts should always be designed to cater to your specific company needs. Teams grow, businesses evolve, scales get bigger and the office space and type should go along the same path. Choosing a property made for commercial use is an essential step for any business. A wrong choice could leave you stuck both at the same place and the bottom line. An optimal office performance is more of a journey than a goal. It is a constant strive towards perfection and there is always something more we can do. Here, we will go over some key tips on how to keep your office running smoothly and efficiently.

Adequate location

Finding the right location for your particular kind of business is one of the most important steps to take. There are many factors to consider when choosing a venue. Some of them are the proximity to resources, suppliers and the majority of walk-in customers. As previously stated, the location will rely greatly on the type of business you want to run. For example, if we want to run a beauty salon we would need to place it in prime retail with plenty of pedestrians passing by. The same would not necessarily apply to, let’s say, a gas station. Remote service establishments could favor larger venues in cheaper to lease or buy areas with a connection to main roads. Keep in mind that if you misjudge the needs of your business, you might end up stuck later on. The badly chosen venue could decrease your company’s performance and impact the bottom line. So much so, that it might affect a potential future upgrade if the need arises.

Venue contracts

There are multiple types of contracts that you could sing for a lease. Traditionally, commercial property contracts will lock you in a set interval of time, let’s say five years. It could very well happen that in that timeframe you will outgrow the needs your current venue provides. In a case like that, you will be obligated by the contract to continue paying, even if you vacate the premises. Start-up companies are particularly affected by these types of contracts. New enterprises may not be able to honor the monthly payments, especially if they are still building their client base. The takeaway is, do not get locked down. Look for companies that will offer you flexible contracts and will consider your particular circumstances. If nothing else, take a lease for a smaller period of time. It will leave you with much more room to breathe if the need for a change arises.

Considering the future

When we look for a commercial property, one more thing to consider is our future in it. Sure, if our needs outgrow the capabilities of the venue, then that is it. But it would be very inefficient to change locations frequently. Luckily, most properties on the market are somewhat flexible when considering the needs of different businesses. Sprucing up the place for years, just to find out that you need to move is not a feasible way of doing things. So, we have to ask ourselves if we see a future, and all that it brings, in this facility. Consider that your business will grow and might require expansions, taking in new employees, equipment. If you are liking the potential new space but think you will outgrow it quickly, consider something else. A trustworthy property agent will prove to be invaluable when dealing with such a multitude of variables.


What, how, when and who needs to access our property is a big factor when choosing one. Again, it all depends on the type of business we are running. If we are dealing with a lot of heavy vehicles, a proximity with a major motorway is incredibly valuable. On the other hand, if our business requires quiet and tranquility, like a café, a park-like location would be best. Obviously, this affects travel times for employees, customers, and merchandise, and in extension, our bottom line. Clear, uncongested routes, either by foot or on wheels, are a must. Consider also, the proximity to other on-site facilities. They should also fit your industry. Communal spaces, cafes, and restaurants are just some of the more common ones. Local amenities should also be easily visible and reachable.

Employee and customer satisfaction

Coming inside our brand-new facility, there seems to be a plethora of variables to go through. There are many ways to micromanage our indoor surroundings, all in the purpose of making our employees and customers feel comfortable. Comfort and a sense of belonging bring increased productivity and a more stable customer base. Bad air quality will cause a “Sick Building Syndrome” directly negating all of that. Installing HVAC systems, or simply more windows will solve this problem. This is just one example but there are many more similar situations that require thought and investment. Keeping or employees and customers happy and motivated will bring many benefits and will solidify our brand, over time.

Choosing, designing and outfitting a workspace can be one of the biggest investments any company can undertake. It ultimately affects all aspects of doing business. Productivity, employee satisfaction, brand impact and business outcomes in general. Given that there is an uncountable number of ways to choose a place, it should be approached in a calculated and strategic manner. Traditional office space is constantly evolving and it takes effort and time to keep up with the trends. With these pointers, you will be able to properly factor in your needs and chose your dream workspace.

About the author:

Ian Pearson –  aside from the primary area of interest and expertise in business consulting, Ian could be tagged also as a passionate sports fan, nature, and photography enthusiast,
always trying to keep up to date with tech innovations and development.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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