Why is training good for both managers and employees

One of the most common misconceptions of the corporate world is the idea that training is somehow reserved exclusively for employees. Whereas the only job for trainers is to… well, manage. Nevertheless, an effective leadership is taught, learned and perfected. Which means that in order to get better at their job both managers and employees need to train extensively.

However, what if you were able to get both of these at the same time? In order to become a better leader one has to exercise these leadership abilities. So, what is a better way to do so than to get engaged in employee training? With this in mind and without further ado, here are several reasons why coordinating between your managers and employees during a training process is a good business practice.

1. Not showing interest in employee training

The first thing you need to understand is that the capacities of your business greatly depend on the prowess of individuals in your company. How can you tell which of your employees are the most valuable ones if you never monitor their progress?

In theory, you would be able to just shift your employees to various positions in your company and monitor their progress. However, it can also be quite risky and counterproductive. Instead, why not observe their training process and see how well they perform there. This way, you can see their performance in a controlled environment and later assign functions to your company based on what you see.

continuous learning and becoming better professional

The next problem with not showing interest in employee training is the fact that you’ll get out of the training loop. This may not sound so bad. Yet, it means that you won’t be aware of what’s taking place within your own company. What’s more, as soon as the training process is done, you will have to,  get accustomed to the overall state of the affairs within a company.

2. Importance of training for the employees

As for the employee training, this is perhaps one of the most important factors in the independent development of your company. After all, the only alternative to it is to poach employees from other companies, every time you need to add a department or a new position to your team. By investing in the training of your employees, you will not only make them more skillful but also more loyal. They can see how highly you value their presence and performance at your company.

develop your skill set

Ideally, you want to encourage them to carry on with their self-education even after you’re done with their training. After all, you can’t afford to boost their skill in every aspect possible. If you personally tutor them and help them develop a sense of job ownership, they might develop intrinsic motivation to do so.

3. Leading by an example

While employees value an employer who is an expert and who is knowledgeable in various fields, admitting that there’s something you don’t know is a sign of strength, not weakness. Bluffing is something you should leave for the negotiator’s table seeing as how you need to exercise ultimate transparency within the company.

being a leader your company need

One of the ways to get involved in the training process and lead by an example at the same time is to use an overall training course for some self-improvement of your own. For instance, you can look for executive coaching agencies from Sydney and schedule a meeting. In this way, you are sending a message to your team that you’re not asking them to do anything that you wouldn’t be willing to undergo yourself.

4. Boosting a specific skill

While a lot of people know exactly which skills are important for an executive (charisma, communication and problem-solving), there are still those who believe them to be innate. In turn, they completely ignore the fact that there is something they can do to enhance those skills they lack. Learning how to actively listen to people can give you an instant boost to both charisma and communication, while it also aids you in problem-solving.

getting better in your job

Moreover, a lot of people don’t know where to draw the line with socializing or how to set boundaries. For instance, while one guide may give you tips on how to become the best buddy of your employees, the next tutorial you read will strongly advise against fraternizing with employees. First of all, this is something situational and second, this is not as simple. By interacting with your employees on these courses, you can make an environment which, although less formal than your regular work atmosphere, still helps you experiment with these issue of professionalism.

5. Easier evaluation system

In the workplace, sometimes it is incredibly hard to make an exact assessment of who’s trying the most in the office. On group projects, all you can see is the end result and, although people may be quick to cast blame and take the credit, this is not as reliable as you want it to be. Luckily, in training, you have a much easier job of seeing who’s ready to go that extra mile, as well as who displays a general lack of interest in their work. Keep in mind, though, that some people need more time to embrace new knowledge and practices. Nevertheless, this is something you will only be able to notice by being involved in the training process and not from the outside.

In conclusion

At the end of the day, your company is not about the logo, products or business practices. It’s about people. This means that by supporting every person on your team to develop as a professional, you can grow your company and your brand as a whole. The greatest problem with this notion is that it sounds incredibly complex. While it is not a hard thing to do. Still, in order to pull it off in the right way, you have to show some self-initiative, as well as some personal involvement.

About the author:

Emily Wilson is a business psychologist with a passion for marketing. Researching, exploring and writing is her favorite thing to do. Besides that, she loves animals, music, and traveling.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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