5 Reasons to Keep Using Email Marketing in 2023

Email Marketing
Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán / Pexels

One look at the current marketing landscape makes people believe that most of the action happens on social media. These online platforms provide plenty of opportunities for businesses. They can post ads and use organic marketing. The wide reach of SM drives 92% of US companies to invest in advertising on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms.

It may seem that the days of email marketing are over, but corporations still favor this advertising channel. The volume of SMS ads declined over the decades. But, email remains one of the most popular direct customer communication channels. There are several reasons why companies of all sizes still use it to make and keep clients in 2023.

High Efficiency

Email marketing is still a great way of reaching customers worldwide. It doesn’t matter if you run a “write my coursework for me” service or try to get clients for a local cafe. Well-executed campaigns keep the customers flowing even if there’s not enough budget to work with. US and international companies engage with this ad platform thanks to its versatility.

Some of the best email campaigns were carried out by BuzzFeed, Paypal, Airbnb, and Uber. But they aren’t the only ones benefiting from email marketing. US chains like Home Depot and Walmart maintain sales through smart mail advertising. Their customers often get messages on the latest deals or new products introduced in these stores.

Aside from being highly efficient, this method doesn’t leave anything to chance. Companies don’t have to bombard customers with the same message. Instead, they track what works or not and adjust their strategies accordingly.


Another benefit of email ads is their high conversion rate and low cost of execution. One doesn’t have to invest in specialized software or pay third parties for ads. All it takes is a bit of work from marketing professionals. Even a student who uses EssayHub can pull them off with the right know-how. Costs are further reduced through mail clients like Microsoft Outlook.

Thanks to this factor, companies earn more than they spend on email marketing. The latest data from the Direct Marketing Association shows the value of this tool. For every dollar a company invests in this channel, it gets back $40. That’s a massive revenue for such a small fee.

On average, a business can spend from $9 to $1000 monthly on email marketing. It may seem a lot, but expenses for SM campaigns can reach from $450 to $6000 for the same period. This difference can be quite impactful, especially for small businesses.

Personalized Content

Email campaigns give businesses an advantage over the competition through personalized content. Such ads don’t show the same thing to millions of customers. Instead, they narrow down goods and services for particular individuals. This information can be gained from a person’s purchasing habits or by asking them directly.

This approach increases the chance of companies connecting with customers. In turn, it leads to building lasting relationships. To achieve the necessary result, businesses may segment audiences into smaller groups. They can be divided by location, gender, religious affiliation, and other factors. This way, one can better pinpoint a client’s areas of interest.

For example, a business selling cigars or whiskey may offer special items. Instead of marketing more of the same, they may suggest related items like stones or cutters. Advertisements can also be tied to upcoming holidays or local events. Nowadays, a lot of focus is made on dynamic content. These interactive elements make emails more interesting to browse.

Better Sales

The job of any advertisement is to make people invest in a company’s goods and services. Email marketing is one of the best ways of achieving this goal. For example, the best paper writing services and giant retailers contact clients regularly. Customers will be more inclined to give a company the time of their day when there’s a strong relationship.

Many businesses increase their sales through email marketing, including

  • Best Buy
  • Target
  • Nike

Companies may use all sorts of incentives to keep the audience engaged. These can be special offers on select products or loyalty programs. With this approach, even firms with small marketing budgets can increase their sales. But it won’t work if customers are drowned in spam mail. Instead, businesses should concentrate on engagement through quality content.

When a customer receives an email, they should be interested in reading it. The latest data shows that people who get regular mail spend 138% more than those who don’t. Considering that the opening rate for email varies from 20% to 40%, it has a massive impact on sales.

Improved Website Traffic

Even in 2023, email marketing remains one of the best tools for getting people to visit websites. That’s why businesses should remind clients about themselves from time to time. Traffic generation is impossible without providing relevant and engaging content. But, all this effort can be in vain if a person doesn’t open the mail in the first place.

Because of the low message opening rate, some of them go into trash without being read. Companies can improve this situation by fragmenting the client base into smaller segments. With this approach, they will tailor messages to be more precise and timely. It’s vital to work on the subject of an email, as this is the first thing clients see when getting one.

A well-made title can grab a person’s attention and lead them to visit the website. To achieve this, it must be engaging, clear, and related to the content of its body. Even with great subject lines, companies shouldn’t go overboard. A proper balance between sending too many or too few messages has to be found.

Final Thoughts

Businesses shouldn’t restrain themselves to just one or two advertisement methods. But, when it comes to retaining customers, nothing does better than email. They are cost-effective, efficient, and can drive both traffic and sales numbers. Whatever the size of your firm, it’s never too late to invest time and money into this marketing tool.

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

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