Futuramo wins Honorable Mention at Awwwards

futuramo mention awwwards

We would like to share some excellent news with you. Futuramo Icons has received an Honorable Mention at AWWWARDS! Who gets it? The special honor is given to websites that achieve a high score in the user vote.

futuramo mention awwwards

The description on the certificate reads: The Awwwards jury is proud to declare this website “Honorable Mention” in recognition of the great talent and effort invested in its creation. We are happy that our work has been honored. Below we present the certificate we were given. It’s kinda cool πŸ™‚

futuramo mention awwwards


We’re doing our best to make Futuramo Icons a complete solution for designers, developers and creative agencies. And yes, we’re working not only on new icons but also on new features. Check it out yourself onΒ Futuramo πŸ™‚

The content published on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, health or other professional advice.

Futuramo User Interface (UI) Icon System
Futuramo User Interface (UI)

Futuramo User Interface (UI) Icon System

Icons in graphic design – can be the best fun, can be the worst nightmare

Fascinating times at Futuramo

Fascinating times at Futuramo

We are dedicated to continuously improving Futuramo Icons, adding features,

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